Bittersweet Justice Argentina

By on 7-11-2012 in Argentina, Bittersweet Justice, Jorge Rafael Videla, Reynaldo Bignone, Trafficking

Bittersweet Justice Argentina

Occasionally there is justice for those negatively affected by the child welfare and adoption systems. Unfortunately, it is usually bittersweet and much too late. This will serve as REFORM Talk’s justice files.

From Argentina, former dictators Jorge Rafael Videla, 86, and Reynaldo Bignone,84, have been convicted for theft of children of political prisoners during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship. Videla received a 50 year sentence for stealing 35 babies. Bignone received a 15 -year sentence.

Videla is already serving a life sentence and Bignone is serving a 25 year sentence for human rights abuses.

Approximately 400 children are thought to have been kidnapped and illegally adopted by the military. Only 100 of those children have learned their true identities.

Argentina baby theft trial: Former dictators Jorge Rafael Videla, Reynaldo Bignone Convicted

[Global Post 7/5/12 by Allison Jackson]


REFORM Puzzle Piece

 Is there a DNA database being set up yet for the remaining 300?

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