Operation Babylift Vietnam Report

By on 8-22-2012 in International Adoption, Vietnam

Operation Babylift Vietnam Report

Poundpup Legacy has the 65-page pdf here. It is an interesting read.

Some statistics from the report:

2,547 children were flown out of Vietnam with 602 children going to countries other than the US. 1,945 children came  to the US . Of those 1,945, 1,362 were adopted.

Breakdown of kids (approved agencies)
Holt 588
Friends for All Children 575
Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN) 421
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) 291
Traveler’s Aid-International Social Services of America (TAISSA)       96
Pearl S. Buck Foundation 68
World Vision Relief Organization 51

The rest of placements had other circumstances (see page 59)

Top 5 receiving states are as follows:
PA 237
CA 189
NY 158
MI 117
CO 81
Rest of states received between 0 to 74 children

14 other countries received children from the Operation.


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