50 Things Overheard from “Advocates”

By on 8-30-2012 in Bulgaria, China, Corruption, Haiti, International Adoption, Poland, Special Needs

50 Things Overheard from “Advocates”

I have selected 50 of the clueless or head-shaking, corruptive or horrid promotional aspects of adoption from the past thirteen months that I have seen on advocacy sites. This list does not include any fundraisers or giveaways as those would have been too numerous to choose from and we have covered those previously. While some of these are posted by agencies, we want to emphasize that it is the AP/PAP that often starts or fuels the corruption. I mean corruption not only in the money-making sense, but in the not-in-the-best-interest-of-the-child sense.  The following list is in alphabetical order.

  1. $5150 orphanage donation waiver for China adoption.
  2. 300 babies in FOSTER CARE in China -APs think they are in orphanages until they ARRIVE in CHINA.
  3. 7 year old adoptee “fixated on her birth parents and always cries and gets sad when she thinks about them.”
  4. Ad for international redheaded kids- there was a feeding frenzy to gain the password for the photolisting site.
  5. Adoption menopause-China APs that admit ages of 65, 57, 59 , 60 and 63 at adoption. 65 year old adopted a 2/12 year old. 60 and 63 year old adopted a 5 year old.
  6. Agencies in greased relationships with China province and orphanage officials for where the child gets placed “I ask the orphanage permission to list the child. If they know a family is interested, they allow it. If the agency doesn’t have a particular family for that file or the special need is known to be “hard to place” then, that file goes to the shared list, automatically.”
  7. AP maintains WACAP Waiting Child “album”.
  8. APs and PAPs write &%$* poetry about the false 147 million orphans and orphans “cry” to “advocate.”
  9. “Baby girl available for adoption immediately” in Colombia.
  10. Children in China are “moved back to the orphanage” before adoption.
  11. Compared international with adopting through the foster system-those IA kids haven’t been exposed to Jesus so that is why one should consider IA.
  12. Cousin is SW that will help with homestudy.
  13. Description of child: ” her sparkle attests to her extra chromosome.”
  14. Description of child: “adorable imp with micheivous [sic] eyes”
  15. Don’t Forget Me Friday.
  16. Downplaying the diagnosis of hydrocephalus.
  17. Eagles Wings listings are of kids from more than 1 province in China.
  18. Fundraising to bring home an orphan is “one of the ways God does provide for us.”
  19. Haiti PAPs not using Hague agencies having problems since Haiti signed the Hague Convention and are desperately needing a quick switch.
  20. Healthy 12 year old twin boys on Special Focus list.
  21. Healthy 6 year old boy on Special Focus list.
  22. Healthy 9 year old boy on Special Focus list.
  23. Healthy child “aging out”.
  24. Holt identifying Thai waiting child and that this will be shared on Facebook.
  25. Hopscotch agency director posting on behalf of JCICS’ “education group.”
  26. In-country China travel costs $10,500 for two adults and one child followed by a shutdown of open talk on incountry travel costs.
  27. Kids are purposely being moved to other *provinces* to the China foster homes.
  28. Ladybugs N Love charged money to get updates on waiting kids and delivers care packages to the not yet adopted.
  29. Lifeline Bulgaria and Poland photolistings.
  30. Lifeline has PARTNERED with a PAP to run a photolisting site.
  31. Lifelink advertising for 4 “YOUNG infants” available in Haiti.
  32. LOI (letter of intent China) is “ a lot of “creative writing””
  33. Madison is advertising to recruit PAPs for an All Blessings International domestic not yet born AA child.
  34. New shared list coming out every month very young minor needs girls were posted by Wasatch on Rainbow Kids implied as reason for Wasatch temporary suspension.
  35. No one wants the hosted kids from a recent program-desperate plea to find families.
  36. Not all kids are kicked out of Chinese orphanages at 14 “They go to school and live in a hostel style building where they share a room and have meals.”
  37. PAP asking group to help read an EKG -doesn’t want to wait for cardiologist.
  38. PAP phrase“You can’t buy love, but you can adopt it.”
  39. PAP thinks“Hague officers job” is to” help us to complete the adoption.”
  40. PAP wanting to gather stories about out of birth order adoptions because she disagrees that most agencies won’t allow this as way to combat this (sane) practice.
  41. PAP wants to make adoption promotion Youtube.
  42. PAP who “basically had to write her own homestudy.”
  43. Passing on the myth that the kids are not really as bad as they are “labeled” by foreign country.
  44. Posts asking about deaf resources because some APs are bringing home kids without knowing ASL.
  45. Pregnant while waiting for her second daughter from China. Did not tell agency. Nearly 8 months pregnant at travel time (so obviously pregnant) and had no problems.
  46. Quick waiver for China after kidney transplant.
  47. Reece’s Rainbow adoption: Russia does not think that it is in the best interest of the child to go to a family that would stop another adoption half way through it to bring home another.
  48. Two at once LSS of South homestudy cost $6600.
  49. USCIS fingerprint scheduled time doesn’t fit in with her busy husband’s schedule.Boo Hoo!
  50. “WACAP will let you choose a child and create a “promise fund””

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