Self-Survey for Readiness to Adopt Children

By on 9-04-2012 in Adoption, Adoption Preparation, Adoptive Parents, Education Reform, Homestudy reform

Self-Survey for Readiness to Adopt Children

PAPs should take this free self -survey and discuss with your homestudy agent even if you are not adopting a labeled “special needs” child.

Though the author states “Children with special needs have experienced adversities, such as abuse, neglect, and abandonment, or may have neurological, psychological, and behavioral issues that require special care, “these characteristics encompass possibilities for international so-called “healthy” adoptees and domestic private placement adoptees as well.

It would be nice if Hague Convention adoptions required this type of assessment, but they do not.

See the 16 page online self-survey here. You do not need to type in answers online.

Reformatina’s suggestions are as follows. Rally thinks this would be a great “Reality” section . Readers, add your “realities” for PAPs to our commments.

I recognize that my social worker or adoption placement worker may withhold information about my child’s past.
I know to research all available information and not rely on my agency or social worker for truthful information.
I recognize that my social worker/adoption service provider received funding or income from a placement of a child and therefore may downplay potential challenges the child may present.
I recognize that some adoptive parents will downplay potential challenges and outcomes out of their desire to see more children adopted.

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