How Could You? Hall of Shame-Lowell A. Johnson UPDATED

By on 9-10-2012 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Lowell A. Johnson, Maryland

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Lowell A. Johnson UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Lexington Park, Maryland, foster parent and teacher Lowell A. Johnson, 64, was arrested and charged with “two (2) counts of Sexual Abuse to a Minor and two (2) counts of Second Degree Sex Offense.

Johnson is incarcerated in the St. Mary’s County Detention Center pending an appearance before the District Court Commissioner.”

A joint investigation by Bureau of Criminal Investigations  and DSS preceded the arrest.

“On July 13, 2012, a suspected child abuse was reported to the Bureau of Criminal Investigations by a Child Protective Services Investigator involving alleged sexual abuse to a minor. The female victim disclosed she had been sexually abused multiple times from July 2010 until February 2011 while residing in the suspect’s home as a foster child.

The victim further stated she witnessed similar incidents involving the suspect and another foster child.  The second juvenile victim was identified and interviewed.  The second victim revealed she had been sexually assaulted by the suspect on multiple occasions while residing at the suspect’s residence.”

Sexual Abuse By Foster Parent Alleged

[The Bay Net 9/7/12]

“According to court documents obtained by SMNEWSNET, Lowell Johnson agreed to speak with police where he advised he “accidentally ” performed a sex act with one of the victims In a separate conversation Johnson admitted to a sex act which he said happened “on more than one occasion”. He also made several incriminating statements which suggested he committed other sex acts with the victims.”

UPDATE: Teacher Arrested for Sexually Abusing Foster Children

[SMS News Net 9/10/12]

“A social studies teacher at Great Mills High School has been placed on paid administrative leave, St. Mary’s public schools officials report, following his arrest Friday on charging papers alleging he abused and committed sexual offenses last year and in 2006 with foster children in his care.

Lowell A. Johnson, 64, of Lexington Park was released from custody Friday on $50,000 bond to await court proceedings on the felony charges. St. Mary’s detectives filed a statement of probable cause alleging that a teenager disclosed in July that Johnson sexually fondled her as she was sleeping, on about three occasions, and that a woman told police that she had intercourse with the suspect several times while she was a teenager living at his Patuxent Park residence.

During questioning at the sheriff’s office, charging papers allege, Johnson initially said he accidentally digitally penetrated one of the girls, and he later said he engaged in that conduct with the other girl “on more than one occasion.”

Johnson has worked with the school system for 36 years, and will remain on paid leave until the charges are resolved in court, an assistant superintendent said.”

St. Mary’s teacher on paid leave after abuse arrest

[Southern Maryland Newspaper Online 9/10/12 by  John Wharton]

REFORM Puzzle Pieces

 Unfortunately, there is no media story about how the police are looking for information for other potential victims. This guy has taught school for 36 years and has had multiple foster children! What is up with PAID LEAVE for  guy who has confessed? Is that part of his union contract? Lovely!

Update: “A Lexington Park foster parent has entered an Alford plea to one count of sex abuse of a minor. Lowell Johnson, 65, entered the plea in St. Mary’s County Circuit Court on Monday with Judge Michael Stamm presiding. An Alford plea means Johnson did not admit guilt but conceded the state had enough evidence to present at trial to convict him.

In a statement of facts read in court, Deputy State’s Attorney Julie White said that Johnson committed sex acts against five children who were either his foster or adopted children. One of the girls was 10 years old and one alleged he had sexual intercourse with her on several occasions. The other alleged victims reported various sexual acts against them.

Johnson was arrested in July of last year after a suspected sexual abuse was reported to the St. Mary’s County Bureau of Criminal Investigations by a Child Protective Services investigator. The alleged abuse was while the female victim was a foster child at Johnson’s home from July 2010 to February 2011. That victim reported a second victim who also confirmed an alleged offense.

Johnson’s attorney, Robert Harvey, Jr. of Prince Frederick, said his client conceded that the alleged victims would have testified as to the abuse.

Maximum sentence for the offense is 25 years. The state guidelines for the \offense are 10 to 18 years in jail. The plea agreement that led to the Alford plea did not include an agreement as to sentencing. That will be up to the judge after he reviews a Pre-Sentence Investigation that was ordered from the Department of Parole and Probation.

Johnson will remain on bond pending sentencing but was ordered not to have any contact with the alleged victims. He will become a Tier 3 Registered Sex Offender as the result of sentencing.”

Foster parent pleads to child sex abuse

[The Baynet 6/18/13 by Dick Myers]

Was he still on PAID leave until this week? Pedophile who is out on bond? WTH is wrong with Maryland?!? I guess they did look for other victims since the total was raised to FIVE from the original TWO but they sure didn’t seem to care about them. Why was he allowed to plea to ONE count? The public court records show that he was charged with SEVEN felonies: 4 counts of sex abuse of minor; 2 counts of Sex Offense Third Degree and 1 count of Sex Offense Second Degree. Four of the counts were from 2005. One was a range of 2006-2008 and the other two were from 2011-2012.

Update 2/September 24 2013

“A Lexington Park man has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for sex abuse of a minor. Lowell Johnson, 65, was sentenced by Judge Michael Stamm on Thursday in St. Mary’s County Circuit Court. Johnson was a foster parent and former teacher. He had entered an Alford plea to one count. An Alford plea means he did not admit guilt but conceded the state could have proved its case if it went to trial.

Johnson had been charged with abusing five children who were either his foster or adopted children. They ranged in age from 10 to 16, according to Deputy State’s Julie White. He was arrested in July of last year after a suspected sexual abuse was reported to the St. Mary’s County Bureau of Criminal Investigations by a Child Protective Services investigator.

Judge Stamm sentenced Johnson to 18 years but suspended it down to 10 years in the Maryland penal system. The state sentencing guidelines for the offense was 10 to 18 years.

The judge received a number of letters in support of Johnson and heard three character witnesses during the sentencing hearing. Johnson was a long-time social studies teacher at Great Mills High School. The judge noted that he too had been a social studies teacher and knew Johnson during that time.

A colleague at Great Mills, retired head of the social studies department at Great Mills Mary Weiskopf spoke in Johnson’s behalf. She said, “Lowell cared about the kids. He did a lot for the kids.” She said that included a lot of extra-curricular activities, including coaching girls’ softball and basketball.

Johnson was also a long-time part-time employee of the Department of Recreation and Park. Recreation supervisor Kenny Sothoron said he receives a lot of complaints from parents but he had never had one against Johnson in the almost 30 years he worked for the department.

Sothoron, during his statement was asked by White if he was aware of the charges against Johnson. Sothoron said he avoids reading the news. Then White asked if he was aware that five girls aged 10 to 16 were the victims. Johnson’s attorney Robert Harvey, Jr., objected and the judge sustained the objection.

Johnson’s pastor at Restoration Free Gospel Church, Ronald Thomas said he still doesn’t believe what Johnson has been charged with actually happened. “He is a great man. I see how he works with kids,” the pastor said. Rev. Thomas said that he had served time in prison, so he knows firsthand when someone is doing wrong.

White told the judge that being a foster parent takes “a very special person.” She said the foster parent takes in “birds with broken wings.” They are turned over to the foster parent, she said, and told to “fix them and teach them to fly.” Instead, White said, Johnson “put them on the ground and stomped on them.”

White also read a letter from the mother of one of the victims, in which she said, “My daughter has nightmares six or seven times a month of Lowell Johnson coming into her room.” The mother added, “She is always worried that something is going to happen.” She said she is having difficulty in school.

Harvey, in his arguments to the judge noted that Johnson had only pled to one abuse case and did not admit the others. Harvey said he mulled over the concept of the scales of justice and said Johnson’s long history of good works in the community balanced the bad. Harvey said mitigating factors were Johnson’s age and health, lack of criminal record and years of community service.

Before sentencing Johnson apologized to the judge. He thanked his family and friends for standing behind him and apologized to them for what he had put them through.

The judge noted Johnson’s service but said he had heard nothing to make him want to impose a sentence that was lower than the state guidelines. He did recommend the sentence be to the Patuxent Institution, which specializes in rehabilitation. The judge also ordered alcohol and sex offender counseling. Johnson will be a registered sex offender for life when he is released from jail. He also will be on five year’s supervised probation.”

Foster parent, ex-teacher sentenced to 10 years in jail

[The Bay net 9/19/13 by Dick Myers]

One Comment

  1. My 2 girls were in his house during this time frame… under his care. The state cared not to explain to me if he had any sexual relations with my 2 young toddlers. Thank you st Mary’s county. I even called the state troopers once I SAW johnson taken under arrest! Nothing! No news… to a parent with their parental rights in tact. Crooked county.

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