How Could You? Hall of Shame-New Zealand-Alexis Green case-Child Death

By on 9-26-2012 in Abuse in foster care, Alexis Green, How could you? Hall of Shame, New Zealand

How Could You? Hall of Shame-New Zealand-Alexis Green case-Child Death

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Christchurch, New Zealand, 8-month-old Alexis Green was placed into the emergency foster care home of “Ms A” on October 4, 2011. On October 10, 2011, Ms A decided to put 3 loose blankets on Alexis while she was sleeping. Later that evening, she added TWO MORE blankets and pulled them up to the baby’s chin!

At 7 AM of October 11, Ms A discovered that Alexis “Alexis face down with the blankets tight over her head with her knees pulled up under her body.

Ms A saw that Alexis was purple and called emergency services but she was pronounced dead.

Forensic pathologist Martin Sage determined Alexis died of sudden unexpected death in infancy due to accidental asphyxia in an unsafe sleeping position.”

“Ms A, had been assessed as  being a suitable caregiver in September 2009 and a review in  September last year recommended that Ms A was best suited to  provide transitional care for 7 to 10-year-old girls, Coroner  Sue Johnson said.

The social worker who carried out this assessment did not  transfer her recommendation to the computer system.” [Honestly, an IQ test may have been better for this foster carer. What idiot would put 5 loose blankets on an infant!]

“Since Alexis’ death a CYF practise review was commissioned   and completed. It recommended that whenever caregivers were  assessed or reviewed, a CYF worker must sign off that notes  about the assessment were on the computer database.

Since the report was commissioned staff had taken action to  remedy unsafe sleeping arrangements after talking with caregivers, Coroner Johnson was told.”

Social Worker Board Recommendations
“The recommendations included:

* The MSD develop national pro-active policies which would embed knowledge, understanding and skills about safe sleeping practises into the day to day business of CYF.

* MSD seeks external advice about how to educate CYF social workers and caregivers.

* Staff and caregivers receive regular training.

* That MSD sets a goal to have all placements for babies smokefree.

* That the Ministry of Health launches an advertising campaign to promote safe sleeping principles.”

Baby died in CYF care after tangling in blankets
[The New Zealand Herald 9/26/12 by Hannah Garrett-Walker]

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