How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK Group Homes

By on 9-26-2012 in Abuse in group home, How could you? Hall of Shame, UK

How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK Group Homes

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From UK, a pedophile scheme similar to the case we reported in Florida has emerged. Eight men were on trial this week for preying on 13 to 15 year old girls, some from group homes/in state care.

“The vile men, aged between 35 and 60, slept with  the girls in exchange for as little as £5, cigarettes, drugs, mobile phones and  treats – including a child’s toy and rides on a farmer’s tractor.”

“Anthony Lambert, 51, Stefan Godfrey,  44, John  Shaw, 55, Ijaz Ahmed, 35, and Mark Adaoui, 40, Colin Simpson,  55, David  Shardlow, 56, and Ian Yeoman, 60, were jailed for a series of sex  offences.”

“Shaw, who lives in a caravan on a farm in  Kniveton, Derbyshire, was found guilty of paying the same girl for sexual  activity on two occasions at Sinfin golf course, near Derby, when she was  15.” “He was found not guilty of assaulting  the girl  when she told him she did not want to have sex with him and he  was jailed for  four years and 11 months. ”

Five victims were involved in the case but it  is thought up to 15 girls may have been targeted for sex in 2009 and 2010. The  men did not know each other, and carried out their  activities  individually.

They were all caught by officers under Operation Kern, which targeted those seeking the services of children  for sex.  Five of the men, including Shaw, had denied the charges.

Married Mark Adaoui, 40, from Derby,  was  found guilty of paying a 15-year-old girl on two occasions to  perform a sex act  on him in his car. He brought cannabis along and they  smoked it together. He  was jailed for seven years.”

“Stefan Godfrey, 44, from Pinxton,  Derbyshire,  was convicted by jury of paying a different 15-year-old girl on two occasions  for sex knowing or believing she was underage. He was  jailed for six  years.”

“Ijaz Ahmed, 35, from Derby, was found  guilty of  paying two different girls for sex when they were 15. He was  jailed for six  years.”

“Anthony Lambert, 51, from Derby, was  found  guilty of paying for sex twice with the same girl. She said she  drank alcohol,  smoked cannabis, ate a kebab and watched a film at his  house. He also gave her  money towards a new mobile phone. He was jailed  for six years.

Colin Simpson, 55, from Worksop, had  previously pleaded guilty to three charges of paying for sexual services of a  15-year-old girl. He was jailed for four years.”

“David Shardlow, 56, from Derby,  pleaded guilty  to nine counts of paying for sexual services of two girls aged 15 and possessing  indecent images of children. He was also jailed  for four years.”

“Ian Yeoman, 60, from Derby, had  also previously  confessed to 12 counts of paying for sexual services of  two different  15-year-old girls. He was jailed for four years and eight  months.”

“Safe and Sound  Derby helps children and young  people who are being, or who are at risk  of being sexually exploited and worked  with two of the victims in the  case and the parents of one of the  victims.” [How about the rest of the victims?Who is helping them?]

Chilling footage shows man leading two young girls – one clutching a teddy – into a hotel for sex as eight paedophiles are jailed for 42 years

[Daily Mail 9/25/12 by  Paul Bentley and Mark Duell]

While we are glad that the perpetrators of the sexual crimes were convicted, where is the outrage that some of these girls were in STATE CARE. Where were the foster carers? There does not appear to be any kind of investigation going on!

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