Return of Blog-Gag-Me

By on 9-28-2012 in Blog-Gag-Me

Return of Blog-Gag-Me

Vomit in paper bag

For fans of Blog-Gag-Me, we apologize for the delay in our refurbishment. We have updated our previous entries with symbols from our original Red flags and Child Collector columns. The symbols explain why the particular blog or blog entry is of concern if it isn’t already obvious. From this point forward, we will use any symbol from the revised lists. Even though our Red Flags column was written with international adoption in mind, many of these red flags also occur in foster and domestic adoption as well.

Despite what some emotional readers think, this column has ALWAYS been about educating the general public about REAL adoption processes by referencing the ACTUAL public words of prospective adoptive parents, adoptive parents, foster or surrogate parents. We were pleasantly surprised that our column attracted the actual bloggers of some of our entries. We really did not expect that as we felt that they were completely lost causes. For those that still do not get it, we will connect the dots of our other columns with this one by referencing  our Red Flags and Child Collector lists that detail risks for children, original families, adoptive families and foster families.

Readers have sent us (and we have happened upon) so many adoption blogs and blog entries that are offensive, dangerous set-ups for the children, unethical, illegal and/or crazy that it exceeds our FacePalm capacity. We invite anyone to add to our list and we encourage you to use our red flags and child collector numbers as you reference your entry. We will always include links to those lists in our first paragraph of this column. (In case you forget to add a reference, we will add that as a reply to your comment The Classic Wink Smiley).


This AP thinks God is chuckling because they added THREE kids in 15 months. The AP is also amused that their bio child will be a minority child in their family yet they don’t seem to process how any of the children will be affected by that. They adopted two at once from Dillon in January 2011.


We heard about this one from another person in the adoption community and it is perfect for this column. This family quickly adopted a 14 year old girl in March. They adopted two children in one year. They now are fundraising to send the 14-year-old to Ranch for Kids AND they tweeted about it (see August 22 entries)among the mundane things in life.


Bethany clients switching from Ethiopia to pilot Uganda program and expecting a girl under age 1


Adopting two children at once from Ethiopia and A Love Without Borders agency fine with UNRELATED children. They have 5 month old daughter. They have nowhere near the money to complete the adoption and agency is dangling referral and quick travel when they do. They switched agencies from AWAA due to ” Because of there policies about adopting unrelated children and sibling groups “Of course the adoption fees just went up this week.


  1. More dodgy business from Reece’s Rainbow… illustrates quite nicely why illegal photolisting needs to stop.

  2. APs who feel it is their God-given right to adopt and feel any professional who stands in their way is influenced by Satan, such as:

    “who are scared of their own shadow and always find that income is not high enough, or the house is not big enough, or childcare resources are not solid enough. Those are the social workers and agency directors that despite a family’s impeccable records and desperate desire to adopt, or adopt again, fear that a homestudy approval or the approval for one more child could eventually bounce back and result in some sort of liability for them”

    Because it is a bad thing when social workers do their jobs properly? All these things are on the Child Collector Identification List (CCIL).

    “physicians who decline to sign a medical clearance letter or form because of some minor health problem that a prospective adoptive parent may have”.

    Horror of horrors! Doctors doing their jobs!!

    “I’m also talking about those CPA’s who decline to provide self-employed prospective adoptive parents with the proof of income wording required by the country from which they are adopting only because, once again, the fear of liability haunts them as a Halloween monster or Boogie Man that may jump up at them from inside a closet. They are scared that in signing that certificate of income that their clients need so badly they may be overstating assets or income. After all–what if they are? What is preferable: to overstate a little a person’s financial resources or to underestimate the life of a child?”

    Yet another responsible professional! It might even reduce the number if PAPs adopt when they cannot afford to and are forced to go begging strangers to give them cash to cover insurance deductiblebles!!!

    “employers who refuse to (provide a statement employment letter on)… the adoptive parents’ stability on their jobs on They just don’t like that eventually could be interpreted as a guarantee of indefinite future employment”

    Over entitled much? It takes an interesting person to be able to spin a company unwilling to lie in an official document into an utterly unreasonable action. Barf.

    • Yes this definitely fits many child collector items like 1, 2, 3, 5,6, 7,8 and 9 and 12 excusing any behaviors of agencies as long as it fits their agenda.And the blogger’s thought that the professionals fear for themselves is ridiculous. They FEAR for the child about to placed in a situation that doesn’t sit well with their professional opinion.

  3. The following is being posted on behalf of a reader who sent this along. These all seem to fall into child collector categories-most seem to hit CC#1, Many hit CC#2 and #5 and #6, #7 #8 and CCa1 categories as well:
    1) APs who adopted 4 (!) unrelated Ukrainian kids with SN within the past 8 months:

    2) APs with 8 kids (3 adopted). The 3 adopted kids have SN and were adopted from Ukraine within the past 14 months. The kids share bedrooms too:

    3) Homeschooling APs with 7 kids (4 adopted and unrelated, 3 of whom with SN) – and in the process of adopting 2 more unrelated kids with severe SN from Bulgaria. The kids share bedrooms too:

    4) Homeschooling family with 10 kids (2 adopted, one of whom has been shipped off to an unlicensed “ranch” for RAD treatment). The family adopted 3 kids, but one was disrupted a few months later:

    5) Homeschooling family with 16 kids (12 adopted, all unrelated to each other). Kids share bedrooms. One adopted kid is currently in foster care due to allegations made against the adopted dad:

    6) Mostly homeschooling family with 10 kids (4 adopted, unrelated to each other, in a 14 month span):

    7) Homeschooling family with 18 kids (17 adopted, all unrelated and with SN). The family simultaneously adopted 5 (!!) Bulgarian kids with severe SN over the summer:

    8) half-homeschooling family with 6 kids (2 adopted with SN; the boys are not related to each other and were adopted in a 12 month span). The family is in the process of adopting 2 more unrelated boys with severe SN from Bulgaria. Kids share bedrooms:

    9) homeschooling family with 6 kids (3 adopted and unrelated to each other; all from Ukraine within 14 months)

    10) Homeschooling family with 11 kids (8 adopted with SN), all kids share rooms as the family (all 13 of them, including mum and dad) live in an 1,800 (!!) square foot house:

    11) homeschooling family with 9 kids (7 adopted with SN) who share rooms. The family simultaneously adopted 5 unrelated kids from Haiti in 2011:

    12) homeschooling family with 6 kids (2 adopted). The family simultaneously adopted unrelated kids over the summer – 2 yr old boy domestically & 6 yr old from Bulgaria:

    13) APs adopted 4 unrelated kids (2 Ethiopian, 2 Ukrainian) inside 12 months. 1 Ukrainian kid was exiled to crisis respite indefinitely… DURING the time they were adopting from E:

    14) APs who adopted 6 kids from Ukraine, 3 of whom were adopted inside 12 months (one of whom was a legal adult, an 18 yr old woman). Kids share rooms. The woman shares a bedroom too!!

    15) homeschooling family with 17 kids (15 adopted, unrelated and with severe SN), the kids all share rooms. The family simultaneously adopted 4 kids from Bulgaria over the summer:

    16) APs with 3 unrelated adopted kids, all with SN (the youngest of whom was adopted in 2011). The family has allegedly medically neglected the older kiddos, but was nonetheless approved to adopt 2 more SN kids from Bulgaria in 2012:

  4. Here are 3 more scary cases (and thanks to Rally for posting my previous comment… since the system somehow would not let me post it myself 😉

    16) Homeschooling family with 8 kids (4 adopted, unrelated and with sever SN within the last year or so). Kids share rooms too:

    17) This family doesn’t homeschool, but by the end of the year will have adopted 3 unrelated Ukrainian kids in less than 12 mos:

    18) This family adopted 3 unrelated Ukrainian girls inside 6 months (!) last year, and is now in the process of adopting 2 more (the 2 new girls are sisters, i.e. biologically related to each other but NOT to the 3 already-adopted girls). The family is also oh-so-charmingly fundraising 100% of their adoption expenses to boot:

  5. Check out They will be up to 11 kids once they adopt the next three they are plannig to.

  6. PAPs who abuse their volunteer positions with NGOs in order to violate Ukrainian law by 1) taking photos of orphans, 2) obtaining confidential information on said orphans and 3) providing the photos and medical info to others, specifically other PAPs and the illegal photolistings of Reece’s Rainbow*

    PAP Abby Snyder is currently in Ukraine volunteering with NGO Team Ukraine and posted photos of Eva-Claire, a child she has no legal claim to whatsoever but is hoping to adopt on her blog today:

    On which Abby writes that:

    “I saw Eva Claire (the kid she hopes to adopt) for the first time in about a year today.

    She was moved out of isolation this June.  She’s doing much better tolerating various familiar faces and changes within her (now) broader comfort zone.

    She was scared when several of us came into her room today.  Her crib is in the corner of the room.  While I’d like for her to have more interaction, it’s probably the best spot for little miss introspective.

    She cried off and on while we were there.  I came up to her and she cried.  But then I wizened up and played hard to get.  Her caregiver told her that I was her momma, and she craned her neck to follow me around the room while we worked with her peers.  It was pretty cute.  A co-worker, Christina, worked with her some while her caregiver held her.  She was able to get some sweet smiles.  ”

    Isn’t it illegal and unethical for an orphanage worker to tell a PAP (Abby) that she’s been telling an orphan that Abby is her new mommy? Especially since Abby does not yet have a referral for this child???

    “Here’s the typed visual for you: her caregiver told her the news.  She perked up and arched her body around to peek at me over her caregiver’s shoulder.  I grinned at her and leaned more to get a better view.  I then walked around the room visiting various children and would occasionally glance at her and smile.  Most often I was able to get her attention and she would study me. 

    We’re getting to know each other without touch nor words and I’m okay with that.  Baby steps says Bob. ”

    Here is today’s post on NGO TeamWorks Ukraine’s blog. Notice that there are several lovely photos of Abby Snyder!!!

    This particular case hits an astonishing number of red flags, specifically:

    36, 50, 53, 39, 35, 34, (33 is a distinct possibility too), 29, 25 & 15 (specifically to Serge, Reece’s Rainbow’s allegedly corrupt Ukraine facilitator), 22, 20, 17, 14, 12, 11 (directly to the infamous Serge!), and 8

    * look for RR photolistings that include a “missionary who visited in October 2012 says XX is a happy, smiley child who…”.

    • Wow Thanks for finding all of that and giving us the red flags. The caregiver never should have told the child that she was the mother. That is horrible and the NGO worker should have corrected that.

    • Wow, thanks for finding this about Congo. We have a specific red flag about the paying off of judges #27 and no receipts is #11. This also is #24 alternate process in country and #25 paying middlemen

  7. Oh my. A new low. Behold the Reece’s Rainbow PAP (Middletons) who is charging folks $10/per person for the privilege of joining her private Facebook group (!!!) detailing her adoption.

    The Middletons adopted a girl with SN via RR last year. They are now adopting TWO MORE unrelated girls with SN, simultaneously, one of whom currently resides in a mental institution for adults. The three girls will share a bedroom! They are also begging 100% of donations from strangers, as they have ZERO savings (having cashed out retirement funds and a second mortgage to adopt the first kid).

    “We are requesting a $10 donation from anyone wanting to join the group thus being able to follow our journey in country and seeing the children. This will be a very special time for us, the children, and anyone that has followed our journey thus far. We are requesting the donation for a few reasons. (1.) We are not fully funded and we are in desperate need of funding. (2.) Most anyone can afford the very reasonable $10 donation request as $10 can be spent so fast and easily on basically nothing these days 🙂 (3.) Many people have followed us (both in real life friends and new friends made online that are adopting, have adopted, want to adopt, or advocate for adoption). Most of our monetary donations and support has come from total strangers! If everyone that has followed our story would have donated just $10, we’d be funded by now but I don’t think people take the time to think about just how little they can give and it make a difference. So please, join us in finishing up this journey. Who wouldn’t want to see the happy ending after coming this far? :)”

  8. Adopting is a privilege, not a right. How many times does this need to be repeated??

    • I agree and would go further to say a privilege specifically for those that have been screened financially, emotionally etc. Check the Douglas Barbour case for a heinous Blog Gag Me.They fundraised and blogged all the way up to Sep 2, 2012.Now they are arrested for alleged abuse against their newly-adopted Ethiopian children.

      • I actually just ‘tabbed’ over from that story. It made me sick with fury.

        I think the issue of privileges and privilege is REALLY important to bring up when we talk about adoption. Adoption is, we agree, a privilege for ONLY those parents who prove themselves financially and emotionally stable. But adoption has also historically been accessible only BY the privileged (white, American, heterosexual, etc.) at the expense of the underprivileged (people of color, immigrants, gender and sexual minorities, etc). I think this has bred a serious entitlement complex in the privileged: they truly believe they have a right to the children of their disadvantaged neighbors. These APs take offense at the notion that they have to prove themselves worthy of adoption; the underlying assumption is, of course, that their whiteness, citizenship, heterosexuality, and, naturally, their standing as Good Christians, are all the proof that is needed. In their eyes, their social privileges automatically earn them the privilege of adoption — while the their child’s first mother’s lack of privilege automatically strips her of her RIGHT to raise her own child.

        And of course these APs are often social conservatives who believe institutionalized racism, classism, and misogyny are figments of the liberal imagination…but that’s a rant for another post.

        • I think the fundraising part which is fairly new to the international adoption scene is also key to this point. Here you have many children in institutions due to underlying poverty or lack of medical access and then the AP also has not enough money to adopt and not necessarily medical access and yet everyone is supposed to believe AND PRAISE the adoptive parent who fundraises and condemn the poor original family and even LABEL the original family as uncaring. For some reason it is OK for prospective adoptive parents to NOT plan on saving money to adopt but BAD for a poor family to have the unplanned child that has to go an orphanage.Up is down and down is up.

        • Welcome Leah! Great points. Stick around awhile and you’ll see adopter entitlement is one area that cuts across the political and social spectrum. Savior/’I deserve a child’ mentality reigns in this arena.

          • I keep thinking I cannot be shocked by the over-entitlement of PAPs… but no, I keep running across stuff like this:

            Stunningly, shockingly over-entitled PAP’s reaction to a judge ruling that the 2 Guatemalan boys that she was fraudulently attempting to adopt (ie boys have a biofamily willing, able snd wanting to raise them) for the past several years:

            “We (the PAP) went into the court room, and I sat and witnessed as the system failed my sweet boys.  The anti-adoption climate is powerful in Guatemala.  No one wants to go on record favoring an adoption case, and especially not an adoption case related to our original attorney (the infamous  Susana Luarca) or hogar”

            “Representatives from the different authority groups and from the hogar all recommended that Gerson and Elviz should go to live with their grandmother.  I have no doubt that every single person in that room knew that was not in the best interest of these children, but not one of them was willing to say it”

            It is totally 100% in the best interest of these kid’s to be raised by their biofamily! Biofamily wants to raise them!!

            “These two small boys just were not worth it to them.  The judge ruled, and it was over.  After 3 years and 9 months of thinking that I was their “Mami”, I found out that I was not”

            The real tragedy is that this took nearly 4 yrs to sort out!!

            “I wish that this was a fairy tale and that reunification with their biological family was a wonderful thing.  But for Gerson and Elviz, that is just not the case..My boys live in a dirt-floored shack built on the ravine in an area of high crime and gang control.  They live with 4 adults and 7 other children”.

            There is no way to know if this PAPs allegation is true, but according to her blog both boys are healthy, happy and have been living with biograndma since 2010. In fact, in march 2012, the PAP had bday gifts delivered to the bits by an intermediary who reported that the kids are FINE:

            “I did not get much information.  The boys are doing well.  They went on a field trip earlier this month.  They were going to church for some kind of event that evening.  I love that Gerson has on loafers, a button down, and WWE shirt down 🙂 ”


          • Susana Luarca! Yikes! That should be the reaction of any judge in Guatemala. Sorry but those gifts to the bio family also could be considered a bribe since they were wanting termination of rights.

            Living with 4 adults and 7 children..presumably that would be extended family that speak the same language…oh the horror! Well many of the US PAPs have that same set up and they are to be praised for it. And all major cities have crime issues. Chicago has surpassed deaths from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years. Sheesh!

            No child should be told that a PAP is their mother unless that is legally true which none of these cases were. It is scary and sad that they would want to move children that have been bonded to their grandmother and extended family for two years. I do not understand how anyone could contemplate that.That is just plain cruel.

  9. Hat tip to Leah Spring, who has a great post on an unethical adoption agency illegally photolisting and “advertising” young, healthy Serbian children for adoption:

    (photolistings are illegal AND only children with special needs can be adopted from Serbia. Because there’s a waiting list of several hundred ***serbian*** families who are ready, willing and very much looking forward to adopting ***serbian*** kids!!)

    • Oops — left out a critical adjective : only serbian kids with SN can be adopted INTERNATIONALLY. There’s a waiting list of Serbian families hoping to DOMESTICALLY adopt a Serbian kid.

  10. I’m speechless. Check out the literature this rr family read, at the behest of their adoption agency — to prepare them to adopt 2 unrelated kids from Russia:

    “‘Adoption is the most dramatic intervention after malnutrition. Adoption provides a total and permanent improvement of the environment, optimizing both nutrition and surroundings. Studies of Indian, Korean, and Chilean adoptees all address this question. Indian children adopted in Sweden achieved normal psychomotor scores within two years, although milestones were initially delayed in approximately 30% of the children, especially those who were stunted or underweight. Average age at follow-up was 39 months. In another study, Korean children in the United States were evaluated 6 or more years after adoption; all were in grades 1-8. The nutritional status of the children at the time of entry into pre-adoptive (foster) care (less than 2 years of age) predicted IQ scores. All 138 children adopted before age 3 years had above average IQ scores. Nutritional status of Korean children adopted at older ages (between age 2 and 5 years) also predicted IQ. Those with severe malnutrition at entry did not achieve average IQ scores, but moderately malnourished and well-nourished children scored above average. Finally, Chilean children with malnutrition in infancy achieved higher IQ scores after adoption than those consigned to institutions or those who returned to their biologic families. These studies are all testaments to the special stimulatory character of the adoptive home.'”

    • Wow, that is some cherry-picking of data and that first line is so false that I too am speechless. This “education” is from Adoption Education, LLC that is run by “Barbara Blackwell and Helen Belkin, two adoptive parents with the desire to encourage prospective adoptive parents to be prepared for any possible challenges that may lie ahead. Ms. Belkin is a mother of two, a web designer and is an active volunteer in a local adoptive parents support group. Ms. Blackwell, also a mother of two, is an attorney with extensive e-learning and internet marketing experience.” Just the kind of medical expertise that one would want to be educated by. NOT! They claim that they have taken their info “from the research of Laurie C. Miller, M.D. and is contained, in more detail, in her book “The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine”, 2005.”

      So I pulled out MY copy of this book and sure enough lots of cherry-picking. I DO recommend PAPS read the book, not take the course offered by these people.

      Let me share some of the implications of malnutrition: Starting with one of the paragraphs from page 1 of Chapter 10 on Malnutrition: “Although most international adoptees display remarkable growth recovery after adoption, the consequences of early malnutrition or undernutrition may still be observed in some children years later. Genetic factors, prenatal exposures and neglect all amplify the effects of early malnutrition. This chapter describes the interactions of malnutrition and neglect and the effects of malnutrition on growth, cognition, behavior and immunity.”

      “Malnutrition often occurs in conjunction with neglect. The combination is fare more devastating than malnutrition alone…”

      “Malnutrition has broad effects on growth, development, cognition, behavior and immune function. All of these areas are lnked and are subject to multiple other influences. Isolating the effects of malnutrition is impossible outside of experimental settings.”


      “In addition to reducing growth, malnutrition also impairs cognitive ability. Malnutrition during the period of most rapid brain growth…diminishes brain size, brain DNA content, myelination,cortical dendritic growth, and neurotransmitter content. Some of these changes MAY BE [empahsis Rally] ameliorated by environmental enrichment.”

      Now the part that contradicts their cherrypicked 3 studies: “Numerous studies (she cites 14!!!!) (but not all-citing 2) find permanent reductions in cognitive ability after significant malnutrition in early childhood.” and “The elegant longitudinal studies of Galler and Ramsey in Barbados demonstrate that the children sustain a loss of 12.5 IQ points as long as 10 years after a single episode of malnutrition (she cites their 7 studies)”

      There is a lot of important info in the chapter, but I want to mention a few more things: “Even children with temporary malnutrition due to pyloric stenosis in infancy have impaired auditory and visual memory at age 5-14 years…” “Other studies show sensory integration disorder, learning disabilities, abnormal auditory evoked responses and impaired school performance long after a single episode of malnutrition.”

      THESE items-growth, cognition, behavior and immunity- must be taken into account with outcome and challenges-IQ, impaired auditory and visual memory ,sensory integration disorder, learning disabilities, abnormal auditory evoked responses and impaired school performance for a PAP to REALLY understand the issues.And there is a whole topic of immunity that I can’t even touch on in this response.

  11. This RR famiky adopted 2 unrelated kids with SN last year and is oh-so-responsibly going back to adopt THREE more unrelated kids with severe SN. Because a supernatural being told them to:

  12. Yet another RR “child collector” with a messiah complex to add to the list: The Dewberry family is currently in Ukraine adopting their THIRD unrelated with SN inside 8 months (!!!!)- Kolya in February 2012, Tania in June 2012 and now Steven in October 2012.

    It’s so very, very amusing when RR PAPs/APs insist that they’ve got permission to illegally post photos and medical information about Ukrainian kids on their blogs AND permission to encourage PAPs to illegally pre-select one such Ukrainian child to adopt.

    This blogger writes that:

    “(For The Folks That Want To Respond To Me That This Writing & Photos Is Illegal….It Is Not. I Was Asked By The School To Advocate & Was Given Permission To Take These Photos With My Camera To Find Them Families.  But Much Thanks For Your Concern.)”

    Suuuuuure. This permission totally trumps Ukrainian law.

    “The Least Of These……Please Take A Look At This Precious Children God Divinely Created That Are In Need Of A Mother & Father To Call Their Own.  I Have Had The Pleasure To Meet These Beautiful Kiddos And They Are Both In A Wonderful Baby Orphanage Where They Are Cared For Very Well But They Can Only Stay So Long And Their Futures Are Incredibly Grim.  Here In America Just Like So Many Deserve They Can Have A Chance Not Only To Have Family & Love But The Medical Care They Need And Deserve To Live A Full Life…….Please Help Me Push And Advocate For These Babes To Help Find Their Forever Families…….”

    Love how RR “saviors” really, truly believe international adoption is the ONLY way to go for Ukrainian kids that may not even be legally available for adoption!!

    The blogger brags that she’s been providing info on several kids that are photolisted on RR:

    “Here is Sunny J’s Write Up:
    Little Ms. Sunny J! OMgosh! Look at that face!!!!! I first met this little princess in May of 2012 by her saying “Mama” to me after dragging herself across the crib to get my attention.”

    That her blog has successfully recruited godly Christians to “save” several orphans posted on her blog:


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