Book: “Betrayed By The State”

By on 10-25-2012 in Abuse in foster care, Abuse in group home, Book list, Book Reviews, Illinois, RTC

Book: “Betrayed By The State”

This is a book by a former Illinois ward of the state. John was taken from an abusive home and placed in foster care, a children’s homeless shelter,a group home for boys  and a children’s treatment center where he was abused.

John sends on this PR release:

“State Workers Ignored Pleas For Help From Youth In Foster Care

CHICAGO – In a newly released memoir, Betrayed By The State, by Illinois-based author John Bernadyn claims that his pleas for help were ignored by state welfare workers. “My goal is to get the word out that these things are happening to those that are not able to protect themselves,” says Bernadyn. Bernadyn begins with details about growing up in a dysfunctional home with graphic and heart-wrenching details of the physical, emotional and sexual abuse he endured. Then, after being taken away from his home by state welfare workers he notes that he felt a ‘safe’ feeling for the first time. This feeling was short-lived.
The first stop was a foster home and, when this didn’t work out, he was transported to a children’s homeless shelter. After bouncing around for some time, and written with a swift hand, Bernadyn was ultimately transferred to a ‘last resort’ placement where he was forced to live with inmates from the department of corrections in a treatment facility.
While proceeding through the book, the reader can feel the immense pain and anger breathe through the pages. When the reader least expects things to get worse, the ultimate betrayal happens. “I continuously complained, cried, and begged for help from the staff members at the facilities and placed calls continuously to my welfare worker. All of these cries for help went unanswered,” Bernadyn stated. “In fact, the state welfare worker stopped taking my telephone calls all together.”
Bernadyn ultimately filed a request for emancipation from the state welfare system. The scene in the courtroom, described in great detail by Bernadyn, displays anger and resentment and joy and sadness – and, justice. While one may think this book is about mere anger and retaliation, the author clearly shows a need to communicate the issues that youth wards of the state manage on a daily basis.
In a positive turn from a heart-wrenching story Bernadyn concludes, “I have forgiven the state for what they did to me but I will never forget.”

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One Comment

  1. Started referring colleagues to read this book. There is simply no better book to get ‘inside’ the minds of those that have been victimized. Genuine and easy to read. Kudos to Bernadyn for his courageous work!

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