Eye on Adoption Agency Programs-November 2012

By on 11-02-2012 in Adoption Link, All About U Adoptions, Bethany, Children of All Nations, Eye on Adoption Agency Programs, GWCA, Kids to Adopt, Lutheran Social Services, Reece's Rainbow

Eye on Adoption Agency Programs-November 2012

This month, we have entries that double as FacePalms.

Kids To Adopt

They stopped their orphan hosting program at the end of August 2012.


What is our general issue with orphan hosting programs? Besides the direct-to-consumer marketing of the children, many times the children are not legally available for adoption. We have seen many cases of children NOT chosen to be adopted by their hosts, so it can be yet another rejection in their life.The child’s life is not necessarily enhanced by this few week stay and it is more of a win-win for the orphanage who has less children temporarily and may make future money off of the child and is slanted towards assisting the adoption agency/NGO that lobbies with adoption agencies in making money and getting new donors. Many of these adoption-agency sponsored programs involve getting “sponsors” to donate money. This one in particular asked for $3500 per child.  For a great read on all of the issues, see this PoundPup Legacy entry here.

Adoption Link

In financial trouble, begging for $300K because they claim that fees from domestic  adoption fund International Adoption? (“But the agency, headquartered in an unassuming office on South Boulevard, is in trouble. Adoption numbers have plummeted, Fleming said, because more birth mothers are either choosing to keep or abort their babies.”) Insane! What the heck do the International Adoption fees fund? Are we to praise someone that had “credit card-financed ambitions to start an adoption agency specializing in finding homes for traditionally hard to place children?” They are running an orphanage in Haiti? Foreign adoption agencies should not be running orphanages.


Children of All Nations and Great Wall China Adoption

Offers two new “medical” referral programs–preferred and prestige. There is a FacePalm.

“Prestige” means they review 2 files at once for only $50 extra. Can you say China Special Focus?

New Down Syndrome “Consortium”

Of course this consortium that claims to give information about Down Syndrome really is dominated by adoption agencies and adoption ministries like Reece’s Rainbow are also mentioned. See http://www.brandoninfo.com/article/20121016/NEWS/121016004

“New Directions has partnered with Lutheran Social Services, Bethany Christian Services and All About U Adoptions.”

Our readers know about LSS and Bethany but probably have not heard of the FacePalm-titled agency All About U. Here is their marketing: Basically if you are poor, you had better place your child.

See http://www.allaboutuadoptions.org/
“Is Parenting RightFor You?

Can you…

  • Provide for the child’s physical needs (food, clothing,  diapers, shelter, medical care)
  • Have a regular, stable source of income to provide for child’s physical needs
  • Provide a healthy, safe learning environment for your  child to grow and develop
  • Provide a suitable environment for your child including  healthy personal relationships and good role models”

(Of course if you are a PAP, you don’t have to have any of these items–you can fundraise all expenses including diapers. You can get waivers on income, size of family, out of birth-order placements, etc.)

One Comment

  1. Okay… needing financial assistance is grounds for a birthmother to SURRENDER a child for adoption, but not a bar to a PAP who wants to ADOPT a child?

    I just threw up a little in my mouth.

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