How Could You? Hall of Shame-Wales-Jeremy Goodwin

By on 11-28-2012 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Jeremy Goodwin, Wales

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Wales-Jeremy Goodwin

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From South Wales, foster parent Jeremy Goodwin, 47, has been jailed for 8 months for having 783 perverted photos on his computer. He had 141 photos in the “most serious category. One showed a man abusing a six-month-old baby.”

He had been caring for a sibling set of girls aged 3 and 5.

“[T]he father of the two girls said: “The sentence is ridiculous. He has been in  custody for three months and could be free next month if he only serves half his  term.

“We have been told that the offences do not involve our children — but  surely somebody has questions to answer.

“What that man did was truly disgusting. It is always people masquerading as  good men that try to get close to children. It’s sickening.” Newport Crown  Court, South Wales, heard that married grandad Goodwin had been paid by  Caerphilly council to look after youngsters for five years.

Prosecutor Joanna James said: “He was accessing the images for two years but  denied they were for his gratification. He could give no explanation why he felt  compelled to look at them.”

But Judge Daniel Williams called Goodwin’s claim of a non-sexual motive “a  lie”. He said: “Behind each image is a real crime upon a real child.”

Goodwin, who lost his marriage and job, admitted making indecent images of a  child. He was banned from working with children for life and must sign the Sex  Offenders Register. The council is reviewing the case.”


Foster dad is jailed for 783 paedo pics

[The Sun 11/24/12 by James Beal]

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