Wednesday Weirdness-This ain’t the 1960s

By on 11-28-2012 in Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday Weirdness-This ain’t the 1960s

Welcome to Wednesday Weirdness, a recurring theme where we post something truly weird and wacky in adoption or child welfare.

This is truly sad and wacky. In the year 2012, a 12-year-old boy just finds out that he was adopted when he accidentally runs into a boy that looks just like him-turns out that boy is his biological brother who is one year older than him. Worse, his adoptive mother KNEW they would be meeting soon since they were going to be in the same school the  next year. Even sadder still is the reporter does not question why this mother would keep something so important from her child. Ya think he may have wanted to meet his biological parents before they died?

The general public commenting on this story do not seem to get why keeping this information away from the child for 10 years  is not in the child’s best interest and many seem to think that this story has to do with abortion. Um…it does not.

“Two boys in Washington, Mo., received the surprise of a lifetime while visiting their neighborhood swimming pool in June. Twelve-year-old Isaac Nolting was introduced to 13-year-old Dakotah Zimmer by a friend of a friend. They quickly noticed similarities in their appearance. They had the same hair, feet, nose and hands. People even started asking if they were related. Dakotah told Isaac that he had a brother who was adopted by a woman named Dawn.

When Isaac got home, he asked his mom, Dawn Nolting, if he was adopted. She revealed that in fact he was, and that his mother had been a teenager who was unable to take care of him the way that she wanted to when he was a baby. Dawn volunteered to look after him, and his mother visited him often but never took him home again. Dawn eventually adopted Isaac when he was 18 months old. She had been looking for the right time to tell him, but just had not gotten up the courage to do so. Dawn knew the two boys would meet soon, because they would be at the same school the following academic year.

So the mystery was solved. Isaac and Dakotah are brothers. The boys’ biological mother passed away in 2007, and their father died a year later. Dakotah now lives with his biological grandmother and his sister, Ashley, in Augusta, Mo.

Isaac and Dakotah are absolutely thrilled to have connected with each other. In fact, they spent their birthdays together this fall. They also have weekend sleepovers, playing Xbox, riding bikes and skateboarding.”

Young Boys Meet Through Friends and Discover They are Brothers

[ 11/28/12 by Meliss Knowles]

One Comment

  1. According to media reports, The bio dad met adoptive mom at a restaurant and invited her home to meet the baby. bio mom is overwhelmed so she lets adoptive mom take the baby — then bio mom later asks for him to be adopted when she’s pregnant again. Then both bio mom and dad die. Drugs? Mental illness? What’s wrong with this picture?

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