How Could You? Hall of Shame-Texas Foster Mother/Fight Club

By on 12-09-2012 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Texas

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Texas Foster Mother/Fight Club

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Corpus Christi, Texas, a foster mother allegedly egged on her teenaged foster daughter and a friend to physically fight while it was videotaped on a cell phone. The 16-year-old friend received a black eye. The incident is supposedly under review by Texas CPS.

“One of the girls in the video is in CPS custody and her latest caregiver, according to the teen’s biological mother, organized the fight.

“The lady she was placed with sitting their ‘egging’ her on telling her to get up and whip the other kids,” Martha Burge, the teen’s mother said.

A family friend of the caretaker maintained the fight was purposely conducted under the caretaker’s supervision to once and for all end hostilities between the girls.

“I think she was just trying to make it so the girls wouldn’t have any more problems after that night,” Chris Parks said.

“Our staff is still following up we are concerned, we are genuinely concerned about what happened,” Gwen Carter, a CPS spokeswoman said.”

Caught on Tape: Foster Kids Brawl

[KRIS TV 12/7/12]

The foster teen’s biological mother “Burge said she sent video of the fight to her CPS caseworker but the only thing that happened was a call placed to the teen by the caseworker.

“Our staff is still following up we are concerned, we are genuinely concerned about what happened,” Gwen Carter, a CPS spokeswoman said.

Carter said her agency has been responsive to the seriousness of the situation and the investigation is continuing.

“It could result in the child being moved out of that situation,” Carter said.”

Foster kid’s fight caught on camera

[KPRC 12/6/12 by Joel Eisenbaum]

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