Wednesday Weirdness-“Sperm Donor Mum”

By on 2-27-2013 in Donor Conceived, Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday Weirdness-“Sperm Donor Mum”

Welcome to Wednesday Weirdness, a recurring theme where we post something truly weird and wacky in adoption or child welfare.

The headline is a head-shaker Sperm donor mum tracks down her son’s ‘global family’ as she goes online to find six-year-old’s 11 lookalike siblings [Daily Mail 2/22/13 by Natasha Courtenay-Smith]. The story is important because it shows how difficult it is for donor-conceived people (from anonymous donors) to trace their origins as well as how reckless this practice is when no limits are placed on the number of donations.

“With their similarly shaped faces and shared  blond hair and  blue eyes, it’s easy to guess that the three boys are  brothers.

But Max Silverwood and half-brothers Liam and  Grant come from three different families – and have nine other siblings around  the world.

Their remarkable global ‘family’ has emerged  after six-year-old Max’s mother Ellie Silverwood tracked down the other  offspring of the sperm donor she used

The only information she had for the  anonymous man was that he is Danish and had the donor alias ‘Dane  1421’.

Miss Silverwood, from Oxford, conceived Max  with a donor because her now ex-husband was unable to have children. As her son  grew, she began to wonder more and more about what Max’s siblings might look  like if he had any.

 She joined the Donor Sibling Registry, a  US-based website which allows families of donor children to locate each other,  registering her interest in contacting anyone related to Dane  1421.In the next two years, she received messages  from nine families, who between them had eight boys – including Grant, four, and  Liam, five – and three girls, all conceived by the Dane. They live as far afield  as the US and Australia. Max is the oldest; the youngest is four.

‘One of the first people to contact me was  Liam’s mother, Mary,’ said Miss Silverwood, a retail buyer. ‘She emailed me a  picture of Liam and I burst into tears when I saw it. He was the spitting image  of Max. I was really happy and excited.’

The first face-to-face meeting came when she  and Max flew to Texas to spend Christmas with Grant and Liam, who have different  mothers.

Miss Silverwood said: ‘It was hugely  emotional for myself and Grant’s and Liam’s families to see the boys  together.

‘The similarities are uncanny. They all share  what must be their father’s hair, distinctive shaped eyes, eye colour, head  shape and noses. They also have the same outgoing sparky characters – and they  all loved playing Angry Birds.

‘Us mothers became quite emotional thinking  about the man responsible for giving us our wonderful children. All I could  think was surely he would be bursting with pride if he could see  them.’

She chose a donor from Denmark because far  more information is given there about fathers than in the UK, where it is  limited to height, hair and eye colour.

As well as a full family medical history  going back two generations, information on personality was also  available.

She found Dane 1421 via a New York-based  agency called Scandinavian Cryobank. He stood out on their list of 30 possible  donors: he is 6ft, blond, blue-eyed, speaks four languages, has two degrees and  plays the saxophone – and she also learned his favourite car is an Aston Martin  Vantage V8.

She said: ‘But what really set him apart was  he’d written how he and his wife made the decision for him to donate because his  own two sons were such a joy.

‘He described his love for his wife, and  referred to his children as “his treasures” which I thought was  wonderful.

‘I liked the fact this was an educated man  who had come to a decision with his wife to help childless couples.’  With  the help of a fertility clinic, she imported the sperm under licence from  regulator, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.

Miss Silverwood – who was  married at  the time of Max’s birth – said: ‘As he started to grow up and his personality  started to come through, I found myself wondering about the donor more,  particularly his two children.

‘I used to wonder if his sons looked like  Max, and whether they were sporty and bright and funny like Max.’ In 2008, she  paid to register with the Donor Sibling Registry. ‘Max had always wanted a  brother or sister, and talked about it from as soon as he could speak,’ she  said. ‘I would have loved to have another child from the same donor, but Dane  1421 was no longer donating.’

Max has spoken on the phone with two other  half-brothers, Tristan in California and Nicholas in New York. Miss Silverwood  hopes all 12 will get together soon, possibly in Disneyland.

She said: ‘Max knows a special man in Denmark  with the help of special doctors helped his mummy and these other mummies have  their lovely children. Finding them has been a fantastic adventure for both of  us.’”



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