How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kelly O’Brien

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.
From Fall River, Massachusetts, former foster mom Kelly O’Brien, 33, was convicted of two counts of assault and battery of a child under 14 causing substantial injury and one count of reckless endangerment of a child stemming from a 2009 incident with a 4-year-old foster son. Kelly used a hair straightening iron on the boy’s upper arms causing bilateral third-degree burns to the right upper arm and second-degree burns to the left upper arm requiring skin graft surgery.
The trial lasted one week. The jury only took one day of deliberations to convict. The judge has already sentenced Kelly to “serve 8 to 10 years in state prison to be followed by 10 years of supervised probation upon her release.
“This was a very disturbing case and I am thankful for the jury’s verdict. The need for good foster parents in our society is more crucial than ever because of the increasing challenges they face. When a person with the solemn responsibility of caring for a foster child instead physically or sexual abuses that child, the need for a successful prosecution and severe sentence is paramount,” District Attorney Sutter said.”
Foster mom found guilty of burning child
[WPRI 4/17/13 by Angie Angers]
“The abuse occurred in O’Brien’s Walnut Street home in January of 2009, [DA spokesman] Miliote said in a news release. Police were initially notified after a doctor at an area hospital filed a report with the Department of Children and Families after the 4-year-old boy was taken in for treatment of third-degree burns to the right upper arm and second-degree burns to the left upper arm.”
“The case was initially investigated by Fall River Police detectives.”
“When a person with the solemn responsibility of caring for a foster child instead physically or sexual abuses that child, the need for a successful prosecution and severe sentence is paramount,” [Bristol District Attorney Sutter] added. “Thanks to the excellent work of the Fall River Police Department and the superb advocacy of my Second Assistant District Attorney Silvia Rudman, the prosecution of this case was successful.
I am also very appreciative of the wisdom of Judge McGuire for his decision to deliver a severe sentence in this case.”
Former foster mom gets 8-10 years for burning boy with hair iron
[South Coast Today 4/17/13 by Standard-Times staff]
After initially being taken to Charlton Memorial Hospital, “DCF reported that a child abuse report was filed by a doctor from the Child Protection Team at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Providence.”
“Police said O’Brien told officers she was “aware the child burned himself” and that he was taken to Charlton several hours later. Hasbro’s Child Protection Team told investigators that it was “highly unlikely that the child burned both of his arms accidentally, and that the child’s injuries were “not consistent with self-inflicted injuries,” police said.
Detectives executed a search warrant at O’Brien’s home, seized the iron and arrested her.”
Fall River woman sentenced to 8-10 years for burning foster son with hair straightening iron
[Herald News 4/17/13 by Michael Holtzman]
2009 Media
“The state has removed a 4-year-old boy from the Fall River home where his foster mom allegedly burned him with a hair-straightening iron, but the woman’s biological children remain in the house.
Kelly O’Brien, 29, is facing charges she burned the foster child so severely he needed skin graft surgery. The child was removed from O’Brien’s care after her live-in boyfriend brought the burned boy to a hospital last week. Another foster child living with O’Brien also was removed.
As of yesterday, O’Brien’s two biological children, ages 2 and 10, remain in her care, said Department of Children and Families spokeswoman Alison Goodwin.”
Foster mother allegedly burns boy with hair iron.
[Boston Herald 1/31/09 by Jessica Fargen]
“O’Brien told investigators that the boy had hurt himself.
Officials at the Department of Children and Families were unable to answer many questions about either case yesterday.
Alison Goodwin, a spokeswoman for the agency, said the Fall River 4-year-old and another foster child also living with O’Brien were removed from her home. She would not disclose the age of the second foster child or answer questions about news reports that two of O’Brien’s biological children were allowed to remain in her custody.
“Because there is ongoing criminal investigation, I am unable to comment on that,” she said.
However, Susan Molina, founder of the watchdog group The Yellow Ribbon Kids Club, said reports that 0’Brien’s biological children were allowed to remain in her care raised concerns.
“This is part of their mission statement, to protect children,” Molina said of the state. “This isn’t a matter of a child going to school without a coat. . . . The fact that she [allegedly] used a weapon to hurt him, to me makes it really doubtful that she’s safe around other children.”
Department of Children and Families official policy allows for staff to make such determinations on a case-by-case basis.”
2 abuse cases prompt arrests, questions
[ 2/1/09 by Megan Woolhouse]
REFORM Puzzle Piece
Kelly would never ever do such a thing to this child. Why would she? She was just about to fully adopt him. She spoiled him just as much as her kids. Now her kids have to suffer and go without their mom for 8-10 years. She would be lucky if her son even remembers her by the time she is out. He would be 16 and her daughter would be 24. I don’t think anyone should have to go without their mother especially little children after they have become so attached to their mother. I just wish there was I way that I could help bring her home for them. Even some murders don’t get that long. Please someone help me help her get out. it won’t be easy but at least we can try.
I know she seemed very loving toward the kids, but lived with a felon and allowed him to do as he wished
Kayla she will be released after she serves her time… She was identified as the person that burned that child by that child who happens to be MY biological son thank you
Well Kayla, how do you think this child needed skin graft surgery? An accident? Sorry, but she has been convicted. I don’t anyone here is going to ” help me help her get out.”
Unbelievable! I know her personally, she is fun, but her and her abusive boyfriend were always scaring the kids
It wasn’t her that was scaring the kids it was her abusive boyfriend and she didn’t leave him because he said that if she were to turn him in he would get people after her to hurt her.
Yet a mother can lose her biological children AT BIRTH for living with an abusive partner! So how come a foster mother with an abusive boyfriend can get PAID BY THE STATE to look after other people’s children? The double standards in foster care are crazy!
Here’s a radical notion: Why not offer mother and baby shelter TOGETHER away from the abuser– along with a restraining order? Add to that the counseling the mother needs to break the trauma bond, and financial advise to set her on a new life.
Many women WOULD leave their abuser if 1) they weren’t afraid of being killed by him, which based on the statistics is very reasonable, and 2) they had a way to provide for themselves and their children. If we really don’t want kids brought up in homes with domestic violence, let’s provide the services needed for women to get away from these emotional predators!
Just telling her to “dump him” isn’t going to do it. If he respected her enough to honor her boundaries, he wouldn’t be an abuser in the first place!
OK just to make things clear.. I am the biological mother of that boy…. He wouldn’t make up such a thing like this and accuse someone of something he didn’t do… N yes I agree that her boyfriend had something to do with it… I just want answers as to why it was done…. I’m glad justice got served and she is being punished for what she did… But I also think her boyfriend should have been punished as well
Okay Anna I know for a fact that she didn’t hurt your son. She was going to adopt your son and care for him as her own. She would never do such a thing. Her abusive boyfriend at the time should have been punished for what he did to your child because he was the one who would do such a thing. Your child was questioned on a daily basis and wanted it to stop and you wanted someone to be the blame so you or someone must have told him to say it in order for the questioning to stop. I know a lot more than you think I know so get your facts straight before you start telling everyone that your glad she is serving her time.
Re: “… Your child was questioned on a daily basis and wanted it to stop and you wanted someone to be the blame so you or someone must have told him to say it in order for the questioning to stop…”
So why didn’t he just say the boyfriend’s name, instead of Kelly O’ Brien’s, UNLESS she was the one who burned him?
And why was she taking in foster kids, let alone pursuing an adoption, IF she was in an abusive relationship? How come the case worker conducting the home study didn’t recognize the toxic relationship between Ms. O’Brien and her S.O.? Since CPS routinely removes children from their natural mothers on the grounds that she’s “in an abusive relationship”, their employees should be able to spot this toxic dynamic in a couple applying to become foster parents.
Listen my son wouldnt blame kelly is she didnt do it… so yes I am very happy shes serving time for what she did.. and no I never questioned my son and sure as hell didnt coach him to say it was kelly and not john.. so my facts are straight.. my son is in a much better space mentally and physically.. that bitch burned my son and nows shes suffering in jail for it.. shes just really lucky the police got her
Ignorance is bliss