How Could You? Hall of Shame-Wales-Group Homes UPDATED

By on 5-02-2013 in Abuse in group home, How could you? Hall of Shame, Wales

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Wales-Group Homes UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Wales, ” a total of 140 people have come forward to say they were abused while they were in care between 1963 and 1992.

The alleged victims have named 84 people who they say were behind the abuse, including 16 individuals who were named by more than one person.

The scale of alleged abuse is far larger than previously thought. Police are planning to interview suspects, prioritising those who may still pose a risk to the public.

The publication of today’s report on phase one of the inquiry comes less than a week after a man was arrested in Ipswich, Suffolk, accused of “a number of serious sexual offences against a number of individuals”.
Today’s report said a total of 84 individuals – 75 male and nine female – had been named by complainants.

Of these, 16 were named by more than one alleged victim and 10 may now be deceased.

Operation Pallial was set up to re-examine claims of sex crimes and look again at the original police investigations into abuse at care homes in North Wales.

It came about following allegations broadcast on the BBC’s Newsnight programme that a public inquiry which looked at the scandal had failed to uncover the full extent of abuse.
The Waterhouse Inquiry was set up in 2000 to look at claims linked to homes in the former council areas of Gwynedd and Clwyd since 1974.

Victims have since said that the inquiry examined only a fraction of the abuse which took place.

High Court judge Mrs Justice Macur is leading the review, which will look at whether specific allegations were not investigated, and urged alleged victims and all other interested parties to give further evidence.

Operation Pallial is being conducted by the National Crime Agency, at the request of North Wales Police, to ensure its independence.

North Wales Chief Constable Mark Polin said he had asked the NCA to continue the work to phase two.

He said: “I took the decision to ask the NCA to investigate these allegations, conscious that some victims of historic abuse may not have the necessary level of confidence in North Wales Police to report matters directly to us.

“Pallial has now secured accounts from almost all victims who are willing to support an investigation and it makes absolute sense for the officers and staff involved to be at the core of phase two and to move matters forward as quickly as possible.”

Phase two will involve further investigations, he said, in liaison with the Crown Prosecution Service. ”

Detective Superintendent Ian Mulcahey, the senior investigating officer, said: “These are serious allegations that will be thoroughly investigated. Many have provided graphic accounts of abuse, in some cases of very serious criminality.”

‘Serious and systemic abuse’ took place in Welsh care homes, investigation finds

[The Telegraph 4/29/13 by Steven Swinford]

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Update: “Detectives investigating allegations of historic child abuse at north Wales care homes have arrested a 62-year-old man in Leicester.

The man was held on Wednesday morning on suspicion of sexually assaulting three boys, aged 12 to 14, between 1969 and 1984.

He is the second suspect arrested under Operation Pallial since David Cameron ordered the criminal investigation last November into child abuse at north Wales care homes.

The National Crime Agency, which is leading the inquiry, said: “Officers attached to Operation Pallial today arrested a man in Leicester on suspicion of a number of sexual assaults. The assaults, on three boys, are alleged to have taken place between 1969 and 1984 when they were aged between 12 and 14 years old.

“No further information about the arrest, or the specific nature of the offences being put to him, will be provided. An update will be issued when the man is either charged, bailed or released from police custody following interview.”

In April, detectives said more than 140 people had told police they were the victims of abuse at 18 children’s homes across north Wales over three decades.

The complainants, almost all men who were aged between seven and 19 at the time of the alleged offences, have identified 84 people as responsible for attacks said to have taken place between 1963 and 1992.

The first Operation Pallial arrest – a man from Ipswich who has been bailed until the end of July – took place on 23 April.”

Second man arrested in north Wales child abuse investigation

[The Guardian 6/26/13 by Josh Halliday]

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