May 17 and 18 Conference: Save the Canadian Children

By on 5-16-2013 in Abuse in foster care, Abuse in group home, Canada, Conference, Corey Foster, Leakes & Watts RTC, Restraints, RTC

May 17 and 18 Conference: Save the Canadian Children

The event will take place in Ontario.

See the brochure  for details in this PDF. The website can be found here.

Many of the children that the brochure features that  have died in state care  (US and Canada) have been featured in our columns, including a case we just posted about yesterday-Logan Marr’s death case.

The goals according to their brochure are as follows:

We are ordinary people and a voice for those who have no voice. We are volunteers, advocates, and independent thinkers without funding or attachment.
•Immediate action with respect to crimes against children, with independent investigation into these crimes.
•Immediate action when  child needs medical attention-No children in danger should go through protocol.
•Immediate publication ban lifted at the discretion of parents when a child dies. We want to know who, why, when & where. [ Some Canada provinces prohibit the identification of victims which can prevent other victims from coming forward and reduces accountability of government and other workers in the system. The Delonna Sullivan case is one that we covered.]
•Immediate disenfranchisement of corporate corporations involved.
•Immediate front page news coverageby media when a child is abused or dies.”


  • Keynote: Speaker is Andrée Ruffo: “International children’s rights advocate, writer & judge. Removed from office for exposing judicial and bureaucratic corruption, and state child abuse”

“Sheila Foster said she hopes her participation in the Save the Canadian Children Conference, taking place May 17 in Stoney Creek, Ontario, will have an impact that will trickle down to the U.S.

“If we as concerned, caring people do not make an uproar about the barbaric treatment that is happening to our children then we have failed as human beings,” Foster said Wednesday.

Corey Foster died after he was restrained by four male staffers following a confrontation with employees on the basketball court. An autopsy found that the death was an accident and that Foster, who had an enlarged heart, suffered cardiac arrest during an excited state while being subdued.

Sheila Foster filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the center in December.”

Mother of Corey Foster, who died at Yonkers treatment center, to speak at Canadian conference

[Lo 5/8/13 by Erik Shilling]


  •  Alberta lawyer, champion for child & family rights – Robert P. Lee – of  Victims Rights will be participating.


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Hat tip to a reader who forwarded us this information!

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