Indian Adoptee Shares Her Horror Story UPDATED

By on 5-22-2013 in Abuse in adoption, Canada, Homestudy reform, How could you? Hall of Shame, India, Vanessa Pearce

Indian Adoptee Shares Her Horror Story UPDATED

Vanessa Pearce has gone public with her story. There is a two hour interview of Vanessa  and an article that Vanessa wrote about her adoption to Canada to abusive adoptive parents. See those here. Her APs were ruled unfit to adopt yet because they had money, were still able to complete the adoption of Vanessa. Child Protective Services failed her and her children countless times. This is perhaps the worst case of abuse I have ever read.

She is in need of legal assistance. If you can help in that way, please contact the author of the blog that I linked to.


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Update: Vanessa’s story has been published in Foster Focus magazine Volume 3 Issue 1 June 13. The title on the cover  is “Raw. The Taking of a Young Girl’s Innocence.”  An excerpt can be read at  this link.

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