Chinese Twins Reunite After 41 Years

By on 7-10-2013 in Adoptee Search, Adoptee Stories, Adoption, China, Domestic Adoption, Reunion

Chinese Twins Reunite After 41 Years

“Twin Chinese brothers, adopted separately as babies more than 40 years ago and raised apart, reunited after more than 40 years following a chance encounter in China’s Sichuan province.

A friend of Chengdu resident Zeng Yong, 41, told him that he had met a man in the city of Neijiang, 200km away, and claimed that he was identical to Mr Zeng, the Sky News reported.


Mr Zeng then travelled to Neijiang, to see the man for himself.


On meeting Liu Yonggang, a junior manager at the city’s bus company, he realised he was his long-lost twin brother.


Their parents had put them for adoption due to poverty and different families took them.


Since being reunited, the brothers also tracked down their estranged 74-year-old mother, who was living in Jianning, having remarried after the death of the boys’ father, a decade earlier.”

Chinese twins reunite after 41 years apart

[Business Standard 7/6/13]

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