Opinion: Pound Pup Legacy on Reuters’ Disruption Series

By on 9-16-2013 in Disruption/Dissolution, International Adoption, Opinion

Opinion: Pound Pup Legacy on Reuters’ Disruption Series

Occasionally, we will link to media opinions on aspects of adoption and child welfare that you may never have thought about. This opinion piece is the only sane response that we have seen so far on the Disruption series. It delves into the adoption industry line of “rarity” to downplay all bad things that occur in adoption.

An excerpt: “Just like it is with every abuse case and every trafficking case found in Adoptionland, the mouth pieces of the adoption industry are quick and ready to down play the situation. The good name of adoption MUST be preserved, at all cost, even if doing so leads to more abuse, more disruptions, more dissolutions, and more child trafficking for adoption purposes.”


Read it in its entirety here.


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