Pedophile Allowed to Adopt Disabled Boy

By on 1-06-2014 in Adoption, Sweden, Unethical behavior

Pedophile Allowed to Adopt Disabled Boy

Yes, its true.

“A convicted paedophile has been given permission to adopt a child in Sweden despite sexually abusing a five-year-old girl.

Swedish authorities say the man, aged in his sixties, is now not in danger of reoffending.

The man, from the town of Helsingborg, has committed more than 90 crimes (mostly fraud-related charges) including molesting a young girl from his neighbourhood in 2004 according to The Local.

He was also suspected of raping a young teenage girl.

He now wishes to adopt his 10-year-old stepson following the death of the boy’s mother, whom the man married in 2009.

The mother and biological father were reported to consent to the adoption application.

A municipality social affairs committee deemed the man’s risk of reoffending as low, with nine of the 10 panel members voting to allow the application.

The committee did not however have access to information about the suspected rape according to Helsingborgs Dagblad.

Despite not being charged for rape, social services ruled that the man needed to be supervised around his own children.

Then in 2007 he was allegedly considered at high risk of sex offending again, with his ‘probable victims’ were underage girls. Treatment was again recommended as well as parenting classes

According to local media reports, the 10-year-old boy is disabled and allegedly has no relatives willing to care for him.

The town’s head of social services has decided to file a complaint about the investigation into the man’s behaviour after the case made headlines in Sweden.

According to The Local, Dinah Abinger said: ‘I should have stopped it… it was a weak investigation. There are questions that aren’t described in depth and the investigation should have been resubmitted to family court even before it reached the committee. Because of that I’m reporting us to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate.’

Back in 2007 paedophile David Mason, who is in his 50s, was allowed to foster a child despite his history of abusing young boys. He did not have his identity checked by Kent County Council, which permitted the placement.

The council were heavily criticised by a High Court judge after formal checks on Mason’s application may have exposed his true identity and a history of sexual abuse, said Mr Justice Bake.”
Paedophile who sexually abused five-year-old girl is given permission to adopt a child in Sweden

[Daily Mail 11/29/13 by Alex Ward]

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