Bio Father Fights For Cusody of His Newborn Son

By on 1-13-2014 in California, Father's Rights, Preston King

Bio Father Fights For Cusody of His Newborn Son

Preston King,19, “says his constitutional rights were taken away from him when his ex-girlfriend, and mother to his child, decided she could no longer support raising a child on her own.”

“When he was told that he was going to become a daddy for the first time, he says he took the responsibility of his impending fatherhood seriously and took on a second job,

He maintains he attended every doctors appointment and even though things were not always easy with his then girlfriend, he bought her clothes for her ever-expanding belly.

He wanted the baby’s mom to be as calm and relaxed as possible. Mr King says he pampered her as much as money would allow with mani pedi’s, nice dinners, day trips and overnight trips to the beach.

As the relationship began to fall, Mr King decided to move out on his own and rented an apartment for his ex and future baby a month before graduating high school.

He bought baby furniture and decorative items to make the place feel homely.

During the summer he was informed that his ex was planning to give their baby away at birth for adoption with or without his consent.

He was even contacted by someone at an adoption agency via text message trying to coax him into meeting the people she hand selected.

Mr King made it clear that he wanted to raise his child to raise as his own and was dead against placing him up for adoption.

The morning after he was told the news, Preston headed to the Orange County courthouse to file papers to establish paternity.

Before the child was born, Mr King claims he went to court several times in order to prevent the baby from going home with adoptive parents.

It made no difference. Baby Wyatt was born on September 7, 2013 and was sent home with his adoptive parents.

Mr King was denied the opportunity to sign a declaration declaring he was the father and was refused the opportunity of being placed on the birth certificate at the hospital.

Given just 15 minutes alone with his son the day he was born, baby Wyatt was handed over to foster parents within hours of the birth.

The baby’s mother did nothing to stop the baby being given away once her mind was made up and claimed that Preston was never there for her emotionally, mentally or financially.

Mr King is adamant that he is the biological father and that a DNA test  would confirm it. He has vowed to continue to fight until Wyatt is home in his arms.

Supporters of his position saya  father shouldn’t have to fight strangers in court for the right to parent his own child.

An online petition has been set up to push for a change in California state law to prevent so-called ‘unethical’ adoptions from taking place in the future.”

[Daily Mail 12/8/13 by James Gordon]
He also has a website:
REFORM Puzzle Piece

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