How Could You? Hall of Shame-Robert McElvain & Felecia Polk

By on 2-06-2014 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Oklahoma, Robert McElvain & Felecia Polk

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Robert McElvain & Felecia Polk

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Tulsa, Oklahoma, former foster parents  Robert McElvain,35, and  Felecia Polk,25, were arrested in late October 2013 “after police say they found their children living in filth.” They were “formally charged Monday with child neglect.”

“Prosecutors filed two counts of child neglect against both McElvain and Polk in Tulsa County District Court on Monday.

The couple used to be foster parents for four children, but the foster children were removed from their care in July after police found them living in “deplorable” conditions, according to a police report.

McElvain and Polk are married to other people, but live together,the police report states.

The two moved into a different house with Polk’s three biological children after the foster children were removed. DHS investigators went to the house twice last week noting is was filthy one day, but was OK the next, the report states.

Tulsa Police ran a search warrant on the house last Monday and officers said the house was filthy, covered in bugs and smelled of urine and feces.

The children were placed in protective custody and Polk and McElvain were placed under arrest.

Polk end McElvain remained in the Tulsa County Jail on $100,000 bonds each.”

Former Foster Parents Charged with Neglect[Tulsa 8 10/28/13 By Nathan Altadonna]

“Two former Tulsa foster parents charged with two counts of child neglect pleaded guilty and were given deferred sentences Thursday.

Robert McElvain, 35, and Felecia Polk, 25, were charged in October after Tulsa Police officers found their home infested with bugs and three minor children in the home living in filth.

Police were called after no one in the home would allow Department of Human Services caseworkers inside to check on the children. After the parents were arrested, DHS took custody of the children.

Court records show each was given a three year deferred sentence and ordered to attend parenting classes.

Following their court appearance Thursday, McElvain and Polk were released from the Tulsa County jail.”

Tulsa Foster Parents Plead Guilty To Child Neglect, Receive Deferred Sentences[Newson6 12/20/13]

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