How Could You? Hall of Shame-DCF-Josiah R. Winfrey UPDATED

By on 3-04-2014 in Abuse in foster care, CPS Incompetence, Florida, How could you? Hall of Shame, Josiah R. Winfrey

How Could You? Hall of Shame-DCF-Josiah R. Winfrey UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Gainesville, Florida, DCF worker Josiah R. Winfrey,28, was arrested “Friday in Gainesville after he allegedly started a relationship with a 16-year-old that centered on drug usage.”

“According to the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, 28-year-old Josiah R. Winfrey messaged the teen via Facebook Messenger for more than a month on topics of drugs and sex before they eventually met.

Deputies said Winfrey was the victim’s caseworker at the time.

According to a police report, Winfrey picked up the victim from her school. Then Winfrey drove her around Gainesville while they smoked marijuana.

Deputies said Winfrey admitted to the Facebook conversations and the physical meet-up but denied using marijuana.

Winfrey was taken to the Alachua County Jail. He was held on a $20,000 bond.

“The allegations reflect badly on our highly dedicated investigators who are committed to protecting children,” said DCF spokesman John Harrell. “We are in the process of terminating this investigator, who we immediately removed from the field as soon as we heard of these allegations.”

Winfrey is facing charges of tampering and destroying physical evidence and delivering drugs to a minor.

Deputies said this is an ongoing investigation.”

DCF worker accused of using drugs with teen[Action News Jax 3/3/13]

“After more than a month of correspondence through Facebook, Josiah Robinson Winfrey, 28, … picked up a 16-year-old girl from Waldo in early September of last year, according to a Gainesville police report.

After stopping at his grandmother’s apartment, where he was residing at the time, the two entered Winfrey’s bedroom where he allegedly handed the girl a bag of marijuana and rolling papers that the girl used to roll a joint, the report said.

The pair then left the apartment and allegedly drove around Gainesville smoking the marijuana.

Winfrey attempted to persuade the teen to stay with him, the report stated, but he took her home after she repeatedly told him that was what she wished.

According to the police report, these details were consistent with Facebook messages that were copied and placed into evidence. These messages allegedly included multiple inappropriate references to drug use and sexual activity to the minor.

On Friday, police went to the home of Winfrey’s grandmother, who said he no longer lived there but did at the time of the incident.

Winfrey met with detectives on Friday and admitted to inappropriate correspondences with the teen through Facebook, the report said. He also reportedly admitted to picking up the girl and taking her to the home, but he denied any drug use.

Winfrey also admitted to deleting his Facebook account after finding out about the investigation because he didn’t want his job to be affected, according to the report.

Winfrey was arrested on charges of official misconduct, delivering drug paraphernalia and a controlled substance to a minor, and destruction of evidence. He was being held Sunday at the Alachua County jail on a $20,000 bond.”

DCF worker smoked pot with teen, police say[The Gainesvvile Sun 3/2/14 By Christopher Baldwin]

REFORM Puzzle Piece



Update: A search of Alachoa county records finds that Josiah on 6/16/14 pleaded Nolo Contendre to attempted  Delivery of Drug paraphenalia to a minor. He received probation for 2 years.On 6/15/15, he received early termination of probation.


  1. This was my case worker that stood in court and swore to a judge that I threw my one year old across the room in front of him during his investigation. So we so it so we reap it…lying s.o.b.

  2. I would say “karma” is a mother. When one takes authority ,and abuses it through his job.. he came to my house an told a boldface lie… an I’am still going throuvh the courts… All based on lies told by winfrey… an shame on “D.C.F” who shit does stink….kudos to gpd & aso.

    • I too had this same case worker who also stood before a judge and lied. As well as false positive on not one but every drug screen I took. He falsified my paper work from negative to positive. I lost my son do to his dishonest y. I had been saying from day one he wad Lieing no one would investigate what I was saying. If they had just taken time out to do so. That poor girl would not have endured what she did. As well as me and my son and God only knows how many othet families he has knowingly destroyed

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