Wednesday Weirdness

By on 3-05-2014 in Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday Weirdness

Welcome to Wednesday Weirdness, a recurring theme where we post something truly weird and wacky in adoption or child welfare.

“A brother and sister have admitted to having a sexual relationship after they were caught kissing between their jail cell bars following an arrest for alleged meth possession.

Charlene Ellet, 25, and her brother Cameron Beck, 26, from Houston, Texas, now also face charges of prohibited sexual conduct on top of the drugs charges, according to police reports.

The duo were picked up at a Wal-Mart after Beck drove his sister and her two-year-old twin daughters to the store, where Ellet was caught for allegedly stealing.

As deputies searched Beck’s car, they allegedly found a backpack containing a light bulb with burn marks and a cut pen with a crystal substance on it, according to the Montgomery County Police Reporter.

The substance tested positive for Methamphetamine and Ellet admitted that she and her brother had smoked it two weeks before, the Police Reporter said.

They were taken to the Montgomery County and placed in adjoining cells, where deputies witnessed the pair kissing each other on the lips through the bars, authorities said.

One of the deputies asked if they were siblings and Ellet confirmed that they were.

She explained that she had the same biological mother but a different father to her brother and that she had been adopted.

Her brother had been in prison until November last year and they had struck up a relationship by writing back and forth, she explained.

She told deputies that she had been involved in a sexual relationship with Beck since he was released from prison, police said.

Ellet and Beck had been staying in a motel and they had been sleeping in the same bed as her twin daughters from a previous relationship, police said.

She explained that the room had a partition and the girls would stay on the other side while she and her brother had sex, but sometimes they would go to the bathroom for sex, police said.

Her daughters have been handed over to Ellet’s sister.

Ellet and Beck remain in the Montgomery County Jail for possession of controlled substance and prohibited sexual conduct. Ellet was also issued a citation for shoplifting under $50.

On Facebook last year, Ellet wrote: ‘So was finally able to talk to my bro..havent seen or talked to him in 20 yrs…cant believe how alike we r…practically twins!!! Family is all we got in the end!!’

On Beck’s Facebook page, he has included images of his sister which bear the message: ‘Love you baby.'”

Brother and sister ‘admit having a sexual relationship after cops catch them kissing when they are arrested for meth possession’[Daily Mail 3/3/13]
wed weirdness

One Comment

  1. When biological siblings aren’t raised together, they don’t experience “reverse sexual imprinting” as small children, and thus when they meet as adults may be attracted to each other.

    “…The Westermarck effect, or reverse sexual imprinting, is a hypothetical psychological effect through which people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to later sexual attraction. This phenomenon, one explanation for the incest taboo, was first hypothesized by Finnish anthropologist Edvard Westermarck in his book The History of Human Marriage (1891). Observations interpreted as evidence for the Westermarck effect have since been made in many places and cultures, including in the Israeli kibbutz system, and the Chinese Shim-pua marriage customs, as well as in biological-related families…

    …When proximity during this critical period does not occur — for example, where a brother and sister are brought up separately, never meeting one another — they may find one another highly sexually attractive when they meet as adults, according to the hypothesis of genetic sexual attraction…”

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