Chinese Couple Tries to “Return” Adopted Baby Boy

By on 7-17-2014 in Adoption, Adoption Fraud, China

Chinese Couple Tries to “Return” Adopted Baby Boy

“A couple from Yangzhou, Jiangsu province attempted to “return” an adopted child after giving birth to their own, media reported Thursday.

Feng Guang (pseudonym), 32, called authorities seeking to return the baby boy to his family, claiming that his mother had illegally adopted him and forged his birth certificate.

The parents argued they could not afford a second child and said they were under no obligation since the adoption was not legally registered.

Police denied the couple’s request due to “insufficient evidence” and there was no proof of money exchanged, according to the report.

“This child may face a tough time in the future,” said a police officer.

After the couple failed to conceive after a year of marriage, Feng claimed his mother adopted the child from a migrant couple in a nearby suburb without his knowledge.

When Feng’s wife unexpectedly became pregnant and gave birth to a boy in March, Feng decided to return the adopted son.

Amid his mother’s protests, Feng twice reported the illegal adoption to police in a bid to place him either with the mother or in an orphanage.

An employee with the local civil affairs bureau said the boy cannot be handed over to child care services or his birth parents as he was not legally adopted.

Forging or altering birth or adoption certificates is punishable by up to 15 days’ detention and a fine of no more than 1,000 yuan ($160)”

Couple attempts to ‘return’ adopted baby boy after having their own[Global times 7/4/14 by Li Yan]

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