How Could You? Hall of Shame-Dakota Lee Ross-Hall case-Child Death UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.
From Midland, Texas, “a [foster] baby battles for his life after nearly choking to death.” ”
Executive Director at High Sky Children’s Ranch Jalynn Hogan said it happened Thursday night as the foster parents were getting the child ready for bed.
The one-year-old began to choke on a baby wipe. “Despite foster parents efforts to provide life saving measures and resuscitate the baby, he could not breathe,” she said.
EMS were called and the baby was taken to Midland Memorial Hospital. Afterwards it was determined the baby needed to be transferred to Covenant Hospital in Lubbock where the child now remains on life support, “and barring a miracle probably will not survive,” Hogan said.
In the agency’s 51-year history, this is a first.
“You’re taken off guard when something that’s common in your home can cause such a serious life altering event,” Hogan said.
Now we’re told both the foster parents and High Sky are under the microscope. According to CPS a Residential Child Care Licensing (RCLL) investigation on possible abuse or neglect is underway. Any action needed will be determined after the investigation. It’s unknown if the guardians were veteran or new foster parents.But Hogan claims based on what they know at this time, there was no foul play by the them.
“They are shattered as you might imagine to have something like this happen,” she said. “It’s a struggle for all of us here. Whether you’re at fault or not you know that is a concern that somehow people will perceive that you are.”
Now officials are just asking for some prayers for the child and his families.”
Foster Baby on Life Support After Choking Under Care [News west 9 9/30/14 by Anum Valliani]
“Hogan says doctors believe the baby does not have brain activity and is on life support at Lubbock’s Covenant Children’s Hospital.”
Foster child on life support after choking incident [New Channel 10 10/1/14 ]
REFORM Puzzle Piece
Update: “One year old Dakota Lee Ross-Hall is in a Lubbock hospital. David Hall is Dakota’s biological father, he reached out to NewsWest 9 after he saw our story on Tuesday night. He says Dakota’s future looks grim. Hall is frustrated because he claims he’s getting different stories from doctors and Child Protective Services about what happened to his son.
“Honestly, I don’t know because I’ve got four different stories now. The only thing consistently is that he swallowed a baby wipe,” Dakota’s Father, David Hall said.
Hall claims Dakota was put in foster care because the family is homeless.
According to High Sky Children’s Ranch, Executive Director, JaLynn Hogan, there is no evidence that the foster parents are to blame. She said they did all they could to save the infant.
“Began to choke on a baby wipe when the foster parent was getting the baby ready for bed,” Hogan said.
Dakota is now fighting for his life in a Lubbock hospital.
“Breathing wise, he’s doing ok, but he’ll never be a typical one year old. He’s brain dead, the only thing that’s keeping him alive is the part of his brain that’s attached to his spinal cord is breathing,” Hall said.
The case is being investigated by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. NewsWest 9 contacted High Sky again, after Dakota’s Father spoke with NewsWest 9. Hogan says there’s a lot that she can’t talk about because the investigation is ongoing. In our original interview with Hogan, she said it’s a sad situation all the way around.
“Shock and grief. It’s such a tragic situation for the child, the foster family and the birth family. You’re taken off guard when something that’s common in your home could cause such a serious, life altering event,” Hogan said.
Meanwhile, Hall is upset he will never be able to play with his son and he’s thinking of taking legal action.
“I’ll never be able to take him to a park and play football with him. I’ve talked with my wife’s lawyer and he’s helping us get a good lawyer,” Hall said.
Hogan says in the agency’s 51 year history, this is a first for High Sky.
NewsWest 9 was told that this is a residential child care licensing investigation on possible abuse or neglect. Any action needed will be determined after the investigation. ”
Father Upset After Baby Chokes on Baby Wipe [New West 9 10/1/14]
Update 2: “Family gathered to say their goodbyes to one-year-old Dakota Hall. The baby was left fighting for his life after a near death choking.
It happened under the care of foster parents in Midland back in late September. Barely a week later, he has been taken off life support.
“My wife and I had to make the most hardest decision that we can ever make and now it’s just a matter of time,” biological father, David Hall, said.
Dakota’s grandmother flew in from New York to be there during the difficult time. Moments after the tube was removed she said the family took the opportunity to talk to him.
“We’re just holding him and telling him we love him,” Ruth Ross said.
Ross has custody of Dakota’s older sister and only wishes she could have looked over him too. She claims, “they could have just brought him up to me. We wouldn’t be here!”
It was just two months before coming into Lubbock Covenant Hospital that baby Dakota came under the care of foster parents.
High Sky Children’s Ranch placed Dakota with a foster family. It is unknown if they are veteran or inexperienced foster parents. Officials there say they do not know specifics surrounding the choking but they are heartbroken by the tragedy.
Meanwhile, the biological family said they want answers, and for CPS and the foster family to take responsibility for what happened.
“The only thing that’s consistent is that he swallowed a baby wipe,” Hall claimed. “I want justice for my son. If by chance he does make it, I’ll never be able to take him to a park and play catch with him, I’ll never be able to take him camping, I’ll never be able to take him swimming, for a boat ride, all that’s gone.”
Ross added that it’s common sense to keep baby wipes away from a baby.
“They can come up with all the excuses they want, I’m not listening to excuses. My grandson is dying,” she said.
CPS has temporary custody of Dakota. But officials tell NewsWest 9 the family had rights to decide on pulling the plug.
“It’s no secret, we are suing them and we are pressing charges against them,” Hall said.
Residential Child Care Licensing is investigating the case on charges of abuse or neglect.”
Biological Parents Remove Life Support From One Year Old [News West 10/4/14 by Anum Valliani]
I have taken in David and Crystal. Dakota has been moved to a medical foster home. he is still brain dead, and they are still fighting to get him back. I live 150 miles from midland, they moved him to a dallas foster home without informing the parents. I have started a fundraiser to get a vehicle so I could take them back and forth to see him in dallas. And to take them to find a house to get so they can bring him home. CPS has done everything they can to keep control of this child. The judge had already told the parents that once they got a place to live, the baby would be coming back home. about 3 days after the ruling, this “incident” happened, and they basically killed this little sweet baby. just know the parents have not, and will not give up fighting for him.
sorry i put the wrong addy for the fundraiser
here is the latest from the Ross-Hall case. they WON in court. CPS failed to show for the hearing. Just waiting on the housing to get Dakota home with his family. even though there is no higher function. They are currently in Dallas with him.
Children should NEVER be taken from loving parents on the grounds of poverty. That is punishing adults for the crime of being poor by taking their kids– even at the cost of traumatizing the kids.
Actual child abuse is the only reason that children should be removed from parental care. If a family is homeless, then CPS should take on the responsibility for finding decent housing for the whole family as a unit. If a woman is in an abusive relationship, CPS should find a shelter that will take her AND HER KIDS while getting her the counseling and other economic help she needs. If her abuser won’t obey the court order, he needs to be incarcerated for a meaningful length of time.
This will be the last update I post on this poor baby. he was failed not only by his parents, but the system as well. I, like my niece, wanted to believe these were good people just caught in a bad situation. after having them move in with me, I have learned the truth of the situation. CPS was right to remove this baby. the father DOES NOT WANT to work. the mother has severe psych problems. they were awarded custody of Dakota pending that they got an apartment they could keep him in. they were given a motel room till they could accomplish this. Dallas CPS was helping them with the motel and living expenses. the father wanted to watch a wrestling match on tv but the mother threw a fit, threw items against the wall, threw the father out. They have BOTH now been deemed unfit, and their rights have been completely severed to Daktoa. the mother is pregnant again. At this point, I wash my hands of them both. while they were living with me, they stole from someone in town who was going to rent them a beautiful trailer so they could get their son back. our local police had to take care of that situation. I am sorry for ever trying to help them.