Illien Accreditation Suspended UPDATED

By on 11-10-2014 in Adoption Agencies, Hague Convention, Illien Adoption Services

Illien Accreditation Suspended UPDATED

From COA,

“Alert: Illien Adoption Services Accreditation Suspended

November 7, 2014

On November 7, 2014, the Council on Accreditation (COA) suspended the accreditation of Illien Adoptions International, Inc. for a minimum of 15 days and until appropriate corrective action has taken place. COA is the Department of State’s designated accrediting entity for adoption service providers under the Hague Adoption Convention (Convention), the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 and the Intercountry Universal Accreditation Act (UAA). The suspension is due to COA’s findings that Illien Adoptions International, Inc. failed to maintain substantial compliance with the accreditation standards at 22 Code of Federal Regulations Part 96 Subpart F.  For more information regarding this suspension please refer to information on substantiated complaints and adverse actions on the Council on Accreditation’s website.

As a result of this suspension, Illien Adoptions International, Inc. must cease to provide all adoption services in connection with intercountry adoption cases for the period of suspension and until corrective action has been taken. Please note that this suspension affects Illien Adoptions International, Inc.’s ability to provide adoption services in both Convention cases and non-Convention cases subject to the UAA.  Illien Adoptions International, Inc. has provided adoption services in Azerbaijan, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, and Venezuela, as well as for outgoing adoptions from the United States. Persons with an open case with Illien Adoptions International, Inc. should contact the adoption service provider directly to find out how the suspension will affect their adoption services.

The suspension will begin on November 7, 2014, and will last for at least 15 days.  In order for the suspension to be lifted at the end of the 15 days, Illien Adoptions International, Inc. must complete corrective action required by the accrediting entity.   ”

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Update: According to,

“The Council on Accreditation (COA) announced that, effective December 5, 2014, it lifted the November 7, 2014 suspension of the Hague accreditation of Illien International Adoptions, Inc.   Illien Adoptions International, Inc. completed its corrective action plan to COA’s satisfaction and COA has determined that Illien Adoptions International, Inc. is now in substantial compliance with applicable U.S. accreditation standards.  Illien Adoptions International, Inc. may resume providing adoption services for Hague Adoption Convention cases as of December 5, 2014.”

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