How Could You? Hall of Shame-Australia-Social worker

By on 12-09-2014 in Australia, Child Abuse, How could you? Hall of Shame

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Australia-Social worker

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Sydney, Australia,”A NSW social worker who repeatedly raped a young girl deliberately removed two moles from his penis in a failed bid to cover his tracks, a court has heard.

His victim, who he began abusing when she was nine, told police about the marks when his crimes came to light in November 2012.

But Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court heard on Friday that the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, refused to let officers see his penis.

When they later obtained an order for a compulsory forensic examination it was found there were lesions on it which indicated he had deliberately removed the moles by burning or cutting them off.

‘This demonstrated a consciousness of guilt,’ prosecutors said.

The man, from the Hunter region, was found guilty of five counts of sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 10 and three of assault with an act of indecency with a child following a trial in August.

The abuse has ruined the girl’s life and left her feeling ‘ashamed and sick’, according to a victim impact statement read out to the court during Friday’s sentencing hearing.

‘I hate this person for what he did. The pain that he put me through, it is unbearable.

‘I don’t know how I will ever get over this,’ the statement said.

The court heard the man has shown no remorse and continues to deny anything happened.

His defence lawyer, David Barrow, told the judge his offending was not of the most serious kind as the man did not abuse the girl in his capacity as a DoCs worker who cared for ‘very vulnerable children’.

But prosecutor Peter McGrath said he had nevertheless abused his position of trust.

The court heard he had not committed any offences of a sexual nature before and was being supported by his family.

Sentencing was adjourned until February 13.”

Social worker ‘removed moles from his own genitals to cover up sexual abuse of young girl who he raped repeatedly over a two-year period’

[Daily Mail 12/5/14 by Australian Associated Press]

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