Mary Landrieu-Bye Bye!

By on 12-11-2014 in CCAI, Louisiana, Mary Landrieu

Mary Landrieu-Bye Bye!

I'm Outta Here Bye Bye

“Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) touted numerous accomplishments in her farewell speech but said she hopes adoption would be her “legacy issue.” 

“There are over 100,000 children waiting for families in the United States,” Landrieu said Thursday. “It is not their fault that their family disintegrated around them.”

“Landrieu, who chaired the adoption caucus, lost her runoff election earlier this month after serving three terms in the Senate.

Landrieu said she was also proud of securing emergency aid for Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. She credited former Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) for getting the funding when the George W. Bush administration was less than helpful.

“There will be a lot more on that in my book. [Good God !  ]I’ll just leave it at that,” Landrieu said.”

Defeated senator aims to leave legacy on adoption[The Hill 12/11/14 by Ramsey Cox]

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One Comment

  1. I wonder if she considers how much economic and racial injustice has to do with “families disintegrating around (children)”? Not to mention babyscooping small kids from their poor parents for the Foster/Adopt program for “potential abuse”.

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