How Could You?Hall of Shame-Aaliyah Rodriguez case-Child Death

By on 5-11-2015 in Aaliyah Rodriguez, Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Texas, Therapeutic Family Life

How Could You?Hall of Shame-Aaliyah Rodriguez case-Child Death

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Houston, Texas, 6-month-old foster daughter Aaliyah Rodriguez is dead.

“Hernandez’s baby girl, Aaliyah Rodriguez spent three days on life support at Texas Children’s hospital and the grieving mother and her family members have no idea why the 6-month-old baby is dead.

“I seen them last week,” Hernandez said. “They were fine nothing was wrong with them.”

Hernandez says CPS entered her life after the police were called to her home in 2014.

Her youngest son who was one at the time had marks on him.

He and his older brother were taken into protective custody by CPS.

The youngest boy’s father CPS says was convicted of abusing the boy.

Hernandez was not suspected of harming the child.

Still after her baby girl was born CPS swooped in.

“She was removed from my arms at only 3 days old and put into foster care with the same home,” said Hernandez.

While the 3 children lived in the same foster home Hernandez says she did all she could to get her kids back.

“I was doing everything they asked me passed everything gave them certificates for everything they were still putting everything off,” said Hernandez.

Now Hernandez will never be reunited with her baby girl and she blames CPS.

She says a CPS caseworker called her on Monday and told her to come to Texas Children’s Hospital.

“All they told me was there was a little accident,” Hernandez said.

What the CPS Caseworker reportedly described as a little accident was in reality a deadly deed.

“I get here and they told me my daughter had head trauma and severe brain damage,” Hernandez said.

“There’s been a CPS supervisor present at the Hospital but they have yet to return a phone call,” said the family’s attorney Bernardo Aldape.

Aldape says the mother and grandmother told him the CPS supervisor asked if they plan to sue the state agency which he describes as a highly inappropriate comment to be made at that time.

Hernandez says she begged CPS to place her children with family members.

If that would have happened the grieving mother says her baby daughter would be alive today.

“My daughter’s never going to come back,’ Hernandez sobbed. “Nobody can give her back to me they can’t replace her.””

6-month-old baby dies while in CPS custody[My FOX Houston 5/7/15 by Randy Wallace]

“Child Protective Services is investigating the death of a 6-month-old baby who was in foster care.

According to a CPS spokesperson, the baby was staying at a foster home certified by Thereputic Family Life. [sic]The child was in the foster home along with two older brothers, a two-year-old and a three-year-old.

The kids were in CPS custody because of alleged physical abuse by the parents to the older siblings. Court records show CPS filed cases against the mother in July and October of 2014.

On Monday, the baby became unresponsive and was taken to hospital from her foster home. She was placed on life support and died yesterday.

The baby’s brothers were removed from the foster home on Monday. They are in new foster home. The foster parents had two kids of their own who have been placed with family, pending outcome of investigation.

An autopsy is scheduled for the baby. So far, no charges have been filed in this case.”


REFORM Puzzle Piece


One Comment

  1. Yet another case of a child being yanked from its natural mother for no real reason, only to wind up dead in “protective care”.


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