Movie: Know How

By on 5-15-2015 in Foster Care, Movies , TV, and Plays

Movie: Know How

“Written and acted by young men and women who grew up in New York City’s foster care system, “Know How” tours the mean streets of a rough urban adolescence rarely acknowledged. Originally a musical presented by the nonprofit Possibility Project, the film weaves together tales of five teenagers striving for stability in turbulent settings.

In the grimmest story, Megan (Claribelle Pagan) is taken from her abusive family, separated from her younger sister and put into a treatment center where she is bullied by other residents and heavily medicated. In others, teenagers lose loving relatives, turn to crime, sleep on the subway, have little hope.

The film is respectful of the adult professionals working with these hardened youngsters. Teachers, Legal Aid Society lawyers, judges, Children’s Services administrators — all are doing tough jobs, and none are villains. (Oddly enough in a film about foster care, there are no scenes with foster parents.)

The director, Juan Carlos Pineiro Escoriaza, coaxes mostly credible performances from his raw cast, especially Niquana Clark as Addie, a mouthy know-it-all who improves her grades in a bid to earn her high school diploma. The film’s hip-hop interludes beat out a quickened tempo, and there is a polish to many scenes that does not undermine their authenticity.

Aside from a parting pitch for an increase in mentors and money, though, few ideas are offered on how to improve the system. Lacking that, “Know How” is a robust, youthful call to be seen, heard and appreciated — to be a little less invisible.”

Review: In ‘Know How,’ Teenagers Portray Their Plight in Foster Care[New York Times 5/15/15 by Daniel M. Gold]

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