How Could You? Hall of Shame- Francis Zwolinski UPDATED

By on 10-14-2015 in Abuse in group home, Francis Zwolinski, How could you? Hall of Shame, Rhode Island

How Could You? Hall of Shame- Francis Zwolinski UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From West Kingston, Rhode Island, “a resident counselor at Child and Family Services, a group home in West Kingston, was arrested Tuesday on a charge of simple assault and battery after he allegedly picked up a 17-year-old resident of the group home by his throat, pushed him against a wall and struck him twice in the face.
According to police reports, Francis Zwolinski, 33, of North Kingstown, a resident counselor, was eating dinner in the staff office at the group home while the 17-year-old victim sat in a separate chair in the same office. After repeatedly asking the boy to leave the office, Zwolinski became agitated and began to pull the boy out of his chair. When the boy struggled, Zwolinski reportedly struck him twice in the face and picked up the chair for use as a weapon.
The victim of the assault, a South Kingstown resident, was also arrested and charged with one count of disorderly conduct and one felony charge of assault with a dangerous weapon after he allegedly fled the confrontation and armed himself with a kitchen knife. He was transported to the Rhode Island Training School early Wednesday morning.
Ken Lombardi, an employee who witnessed the assault, said Zwolinski was the aggressor in the incident and described his punches as “hay-makers”, the use of which violates the group home’s restraint policy.
Zwolinski declined the opportunity to provide the police with a statement or any information about the incident. He is due in Fourth District Court Oct. 8.
A 16-year old resident of the group home was also arrested during the incident on one charge of disorderly conduct and one charge of obstructing an officer in the line of duty as he was allegedly disruptive throughout the investigation and yelled obscenities to the police throughout their visit to the group home.
According to South Kingstown Police records department staff, there have been 17 arrests made on-site at the group home at 46 Liberty Lane since January of 2014. Those who list 46 Liberty Lane as their address have been arrested 26 times in the same time span.”

Group home counselor arrested for assaulting resident [Rice Central 10/5/15 by Benjamin Branchaud]

REFORM Puzzle Piece


Update: “A counselor at the Liberty Lane group home where adolescent boys in state care are sent allegedly picked up a 17-year-old by the throat and punched him in the face because the boy would not leave his office.

It was that incident described in a Sept. 29 South Kingstown Police Department report that resulted in the state Department of Children, Youth and Families’ shut down of the program the following day. Earlier this week the state confirmed that the group home has been closed while Child Protective Services investigates.

According to the police report, the incident unfolded around 7 p.m. when Francis Zwolinski, a 33-year-old resident counselor in the program was seated in a staff office. He asked the juvenile, who is not named in the police report, to leave. When the boy refused, Zwolinski lifted the teen by throat and “forced him against the wall.”

The teen reportedly threw up his hands to resist, “which caused Zwolinski to strike him twice in the face with closed fists.” Zwolinski then picked up a chair and the teen ran to the kitchen and picked up a knife, and then two entered a standoff.

Ken Lombardi, another staff member at the home, told police that Zwolinski appeared to be the aggressor. He described the way Zwolinski punched the teen as “haymakers,” a boxing term for a powerful hit.

Zwolinski did not provide a statement to police. He was charged with simple assault, a misdemeanor. The teen involved in the incident was charged with felony assault with a dangerous weapon and disorderly conduct.

Police accounts of the incident describe the scene at the home located at 46 Liberty Lane as contentious. A 16-year-old boy in the program reportedly interfered with police during the investigation by shouting obscenities, jumping onto a van and instigating other program residents. The boy, who is not identified, was taken into police custody and charged with disorderly conduct and obstructing an officer.

The program at Liberty Lane, which was state licensed as a home for eight males between the ages of 13 and 17, is one of five group homes run by Child and Family Services.

Marty Sinnott, the group’s president and CEO, said the organization worked collaboratively with DCYF to relocate the teens who were living at Liberty Lane.

“We failed to provide a safe therapeutic environment for this young resident,” Sinnott said. “The staff person who was charged with the assault was thoroughly screened and trained. This, however, was no guarantee that he would act in a professional and empathetic manner.””

Counselor, teen face criminal charges in confrontation that caused closing of South Kingstown group home [Providence Journal 10/23/15 by Jennifer Bogdan]


Update 2:A search of the Rhode Island court records shows that Francis is going to trial on 6/6/16.

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