How Could You? Hall of Shame-Harry Clark UPDATED

By on 11-04-2015 in Abuse in foster care, Harry Clark, How could you? Hall of Shame, Missouri

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Harry Clark UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Springfield, Missouri, a foster father, Harry Clark, 56, “is accused of repeatedly molesting children who were placed in his care.” “Greene County prosecutors on Friday charged Harry Clark, 56, with first-degree statutory rape, two counts of first-degree statutory sodomy, and first-degree child molestation; the first charges involve a child under age 12 and the fourth one involves a child under age 14. In asking a judge for a $75,000 bond, prosecutors wrote this:  “Multiple children have disclosed instances of abuse at the hands of the defendant while in his care as a foster parent from 2012 – 2013. The primary victim in this case describes being abused on a daily basis while in his care. Once the children were removed from the defendant’s care in 2013, the defendant is reported to have driven by their new residence on multiple occasions. Based on this behavior, it is a concern that the defendant poses a continued danger to the victims in this case now that charges have been filed.

A Springfield police detective wrote in the probable cause statement that the investigation started in August two years ago when allegations surfaced that Clark had abused children who were, at the time, approximately ages 14, 12, 9, 5, and 7. The children lived with Clark and his wife from April 2012 to Aug. 1, 2013.

The children were interviewed at the Child Advocacy Center in August 2013, the detective said, and “no disclosures were made at the time by the children, and an interview was conducted later with Harry Clark with no admissions made.

”On Aug. 27 of this year, Greene County sheriff’s deputies went to the home where the children now live, after being adopted. The deputies heard “allegations regarding physical and sexual abuse against Harry Clark.” The children’s adopted mother told deputies that Clark “drove by their house for several weeks following their removal from the Clark household,” according to the probable cause statement.

The children were interviewed again at the Child Advocacy Center on Sept. 16 of this year.

One girl, now 7, “discussed Harry locking her in the garage area and placing duct tape over her hands and mouth. She mentioned a ‘dream’ but upon further questioning for clarification by the interviewer, (she) stated, ‘It was something that really happened. I tried to pinch myself to make it a dream, but it wasn’t happening.’ (She) said Harry also used rope to tie around her legs and body while she was seated in a wooden chair. She then said Harry would kiss her and she would try to move away from him in the chair. (She) thought she was 4-years-old at the time,” the probable cause statement says.

A girl who is now age 14 told interviewers that “she had been shopping for underwear and Harry called her into his room to check and make sure her bra fit properly. (She) stated Harry grabbed the collar of her shirt and placed a hand down the shirt, touching her breast on the top of the bra. (She) stated Harry made a comment sexual in nature to her, and she then left the room. (She) thought she was 12-years-old at the time.

”A girl who is now 11 years old “described sexual abuse perpetrated upon her by Harry in a closet there. After entering the home, Harry would abuse (her) throughout the course of her time inside the Clark residence.  (She) disclosed Harry taking her into his bedroom or her bedroom and locking the door before removing her clothes and placing her on the bed. When she asked him to stop, Harry told her, “No,” and further explained he needed someone to do it since his wife “could not keep up with him or whatever.” (She) described other times when it would occur in the kitchen or living room area if no one was home,” the probable cause statement says.

The third girl described being sexually abused “every day and more than once in a day” and said Clark showed her pornographic videos, took some videos of her and then would show the videos to her.  The 11-year-old girl said her abuse occurred to her between the ages of 7 and 9.

On Thursday, a detective talked to Clark after police executed a search warrant at his home.

“During the interview, Harry made no admissions regarding the abuse against any of the children,” the detective wrote in the probable cause statement.

If Clark is convicted, he could receive prison sentences between 10 years and life (30 years) for statutory sodomy and statutory rape, and between five and 15 years for child molestation.  He was in the Greene County jail on Friday afternoon.  Online court records do not list a defense attorney for him.”

Foster father is accused of molesting children in his care [KSPR 10/30/15 by Gene Hartley]

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Update: A Search of the Missouri court records shows that Harry has a Preliminary Trial conference on 6/7/16.

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