How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kencia Derat case-Child Death

By on 11-06-2015 in Abuse in group home, Betty's Home & Health Services, Florida, How could you? Hall of Shame, Kencia Durat

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kencia Derat case-Child Death

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Sorrento, Florida, in September 2015, group home resident Kencia Derat, 12, “was found unresponsive” in a Betty’s Home & Health Services home.
She later died in a Florida hospital.

“Local family members said they just watched what would have been their daughter’s 13th birthday pass and they are still trying to find out why she died in a group home.

At the time Kencia Derat’s death wasn’t considered suspicious, so there was never an official autopsy.

But her family called Channel 9’s Jeff Deal when the family’s own doctor found some things it said raised serious questions. The family said the girl was sexually abused before she died.

Family members told Deal they believe it happened while she was living in the group home.

“Words are not able to describe the pain and confusion that they’re grappling with,” family attorney Zachary West said.

Kencia had cerebral palsy and in 2012 was moved into a group home in Sorrento operated by Betty’s Home & Health Services.

In late September she was found unresponsive in the home and later died at Florida Hospital Waterman.

Hospital records show a call was made to the Medical Examiner’s Office, which at the time denied taking the case.

The death certificate indicates she died of natural causes: cardiac arrest related to her cerebral palsy.

But the family, still looking for answers, hired a private forensic pathologist to do an autopsy. He found what the family believes was abuse.

“Which, in his extensive experience, was strongly suggestive of sexual abuse,” West said.

The family blames the group home and is threatening a lawsuit.

“This is an attempt by the family to try to harm this wonderful, wonderful company,” group home attorney Lisa Augspurger said.

Augspurger said she believes there’s no merit to the claims and said the home has a flawless record in state inspections.

Now the Medical Examiner’s Office has reopened the case.

They are waiting on forensic test results to come back to determine if there was any foul play in Kencia’s death.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Department said there is not yet a criminal case; it is considered an open death investigation.

Augspurger said the group home is ready to challenge any lawsuit related to her death.”

Family searches for cause of daughter’s death in group home[WFTV 11/5/15]

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