How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK-Harry Aspley case-Child Death UPDATED

By on 11-20-2015 in Abuse in foster care, Harry Aspley, How could you? Hall of Shame, UK, Wendy Hardy

How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK-Harry Aspley case-Child Death UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Leicestershire, UK, a 2013 case has emerged. Foster Mother Wendy Hardy, 46, “is facing jail after she admitted killing a 23-month-old baby boy who died in her care.

Harry Aspley was rushed to hospital after becoming unwell at his home in Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire, but died five days later.

His foster mum Wendy Hardy, 46, pleaded guilty to manslaughter after initially denying the charge.

Leicester Crown Court heard an ‘incident’ on March 26, 2013, led to the tot being unlawfully killed but no cause of death was given in court.

Prosecutor Sally Howes said an allegation of child cruelty, which Hardy also denied, has since been dropped.

Granting her bail, Judge Nicholas Dean QC said: ‘You’ve pleaded guilty to a matter that’s obviously very serious.

‘We don’t know, as yet, who the sentencing judge will be.

‘You must understand the offence you’ve admitted is very serious and, as you know, you will be at risk of going of prison.

‘The court will keep all (sentencing) options open.’

Hardy, of Sileby, Leicestershire, appeared in the dock with husband David, 36, of Stoney Stanton, who was jointly accused of child cruelty.

The pair were accused of the offences, which allegedly took place between December 28 and March 26, 2013.

Mr Hardy, who denied the cruelty offence, was told the case will not proceed against him.

The court heard the charges of child cruelty did not relate to Harry’s death.

The case was adjourned for the preparation of psychiatric and pre-sentence reports.

Foster mother is facing jail after admitting killing a 23-month-old boy who died in her care [Daily Mail 11/19/15 by Joseph Curtis]

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Update: “A smiling foster mother has been jailed for more than six years after shaking a 23-month-old baby to death and blowing £27,000 of ill-gotten child care fees on a holiday and car.

Wendy Hardy, 46, assaulted Harry Aspley just months after taking him into her home in December 2012.

When he struggled to eat without vomiting on March 26, 2013, she lost her temper and shook him so violently he suffered massive brain injuries.

Hardy then dumped him back in his crib at her home in Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire, only calling an ambulance when her husband David returned from work two hours later.

Harry was rushed to Leicester Royal Infirmary but died of his injuries five days later.

Hardy was yesterday jailed for six-and-a-half years after admitting manslaughter and fraud.

She was initially charged with murder but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter when she appeared at Leicester Crown Court in November.

At that appearance, she was seen grinning outside the court room.

Sentencing her at Birmingham Crown Court on Monday, Judge Jeremy Baker said: ‘Harry was a very vulnerable child.

‘As an experienced foster parent you would have known all too well the risks of treating him in the manner you did.

‘Knowing you had seriously injured Harry, you failed to seek prompt medical help.

‘After such attention was given to him, you lied about the circumstances of his injuries.’

The court heard Hardy and her husband David, 36, had fostered children from five years from their £300,000 four-bedroom detached home.

Before and during their time with Harry, the couple had been incorrectly receiving money for fostering two other children no longer in their care.

They spent £27,460 of that money on a new car and a holiday to Turkey.

Mr Hardy earlier pleaded guilty to one charge of converting criminal property.. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison, suspended for two years.

The couple were also charged with cruelty due to neglect as Harry lost more than a quarter of his body weight during the three months in their care.

Those charges were ordered to lie on file and could be proceeded with in the future.

Nick Lumley, defending Mrs Hardy, said the incident had been the result of a ‘perfect storm’ of issues.

He added that the couple had lacked help from social services in caring for Harry, who had suspected autism and was losing his muscle control, in the months they were caring for him.

He said: ‘This was as far removed from a conscious and deliberate killing as might possibly be imagined.’

Helen Johnson, defending Mr Hardy, told the judge her client was the sole carer for two young children.

Detective Superintendent Neil Castle, who led the investigation, described the death as ‘tragic’, adding: ‘Harry was being looked after solely by Wendy Hardy when he sustained the injuries that led to his death.

‘I hope her guilty plea and subsequent sentencing will bring some closure for Harry’s wider family network and all those involved in the case.’ “

Grinning on her way to prison: Foster mother is jailed for six years for shaking toddler to death

[Daily Mail 1/26/16 by Euan McLelland and Emily Kent Smith ]

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