How Could You? Hall of Shame-Australia-James Antony Arrowsmith

By on 1-18-2016 in Abuse in foster care, Australia, How could you? Hall of Shame, James Antony Arrowsmith

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Australia-James Antony Arrowsmith

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Darwin, Australia, “A former foster carer whose reputation with the NT Department of Children and Families was reportedlyruined by a rebellious child in his care was one week into his new career as a drug dealer when he was busted.

James Antony Arrowsmith, 23, admitted cannabis supply and possession, having two homemade bongs and a single firework, and traffic offences when he faced Darwin Magistrates Court yesterday.

Drawing on Hollywood actor Sean Penn’s controversial interview with Mexican drug lord Joaquín Guzmán Loera, Arrowsmith’s lawyer Marty Aust said: “This isn’t a commercial empire, he’s not El Chapo”.

“This is something of a sad story,” he said.

Mr Aust said his client — a youth worker at Katherine High School and approved DCF carer — had been looking after two youths shortly before police raided his house in November.

“One of the youths complained to the department about my client demanding he attend school and comply with rules,” he said.

“(Arrowsmith) was put in counselling and ultimately he was stood down from his role.

“He has hit rock bottom and is feeling worthless.

“He started using cannabis.”

Prosecutor Cale Davis said Arrowsmith was caught with 4g of cannabis and $200, which he told police was half the proceeds of his first swag of deals, and that he intended to use the money to buy more weed.

Arrowsmith admitted he had been dealing for a week “since DCF cut off (his) payments” but was looking for full time work.

Mr Aust said his client had lost his house but couldn’t live with his aunty in Katherine because he was on bail not to contact his cousins.

“He’s living with his grandparents in Darwin,” he said.

Arrowsmith admitted breaking bail by permitting one of the cousins he was banned from contacting to drive his unregistered car near Tindal without a licence, and possessing 1g of cannabis and a bong.

Magistrate Michael Carey handed Arrowsmith more than $1000 in fines and a one month suspended prison sentence.”

Foster carer busted dealing drugs [NT News 1/14/16 by Ellie Turner]

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One Comment

  1. Aaaand…. it’s all the child’s fault! And DCF, for cutting him off from foster care payments.

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