Rhode Island Advocate Investigates Four Children Deaths Since October 2015

By on 3-07-2016 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Rhode Island

Rhode Island Advocate Investigates Four Children Deaths Since October 2015

Four deaths since October 2015!

“Child welfare advocates troubled by the number of children dying in state care and the lack of public information about the cases are pushing to expand reporting requirements and to mandate that investigations be made public.

Meanwhile, with less than a month remaining in her term, the state’s child advocate, Regina M. Costa, has convened a team to investigate the cases of four children who have died in state care since October — two of whom were infants. Both infants died in unlicensed foster homes, and the causes of death have not yet been determined.

The panel’s report is due in six weeks — an unusual deadline given that Costa’s term expires in less than four weeks, and it is unclear whether Governor Raimondo’s pick for the post would continue the investigation.

R.I. child advocate launches probe into deaths in DCYF care [Providence Journal 3/5/16 by Jennifer Bogdan]

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