How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK-Andris Logins UPDATED

By on 3-18-2016 in Abuse in group home, Andris Logins, How could you? Hall of Shame, UK

How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK-Andris Logins UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Nottingham, UK, “a social care worker took advantage of a “brutal regime” at a children’s home to sexually abuse teenagers, a court has heard.

Andris Logins, 57, has been charged with 17 sexual offences alleged to have happened at Beechwood Community Home in Nottingham in the 1980s.

Nottingham Crown Court heard he targeted vulnerable children, who had no-one to complain to.

Mr Logins, of Stiles Road, in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, denies the charges.

Mr Logins, who is no longer a social worker, was aged 22 to 27 when he is alleged to have carried out the rapes and sexual assaults at the children’s care home in Mapperley, which has since been demolished.

Youngsters were beaten, kicked and tormented and staff, as well as children, were terrified of a man who used to be in charge of the home, the jury was told.

Prosecutor Mary Prior QC said Mr Logins took advantage of that regime and targeted vulnerable children, who were too afraid to complain because it was so “brutal”.

Again and again, she accused him of committing serious child sex offences, but he replied that every allegation was not true.

Mr Logins said records showed he was not on duty on the dates of some of the alleged offences.

He accepted there could have been abuse at the home, but was adamant it was not carried out by him.

Mr Logins said four alleged victims “had got the wrong man” and suggested the descriptions given could have fitted other men who worked at the home.

Ms Prior dismissed this and said two accusers used nicknames such as “Yogi Bear” and “the Honey Monster” to describe him.

Mr Logins accepted those names referred to him but insisted he never raped anybody and was not guilty of cruelty or indecent assaults.

The trial continues.”

Nottingham children’s home social worker ‘raped vulnerable girls’ [BBC 3/16/16]

REFORM Puzzle Piece


Update: “A former social worker has been jailed for 20years for historic sexual abuse that was carried out while employed at a children’s home in Nottingham.

57-year-old Andris Logins,of Stiles Road in Arnold, had been found guilty of 15 counts of indecent assault and 4 counts of rape at a trial at Nottingham Crown Court.

In court prosecutor Mary Prior read out transcripts of the victim impact statements.

She told the judge Logins victims had had their self-esteem shattered, still suffered from nightmares, some had self-harmed, & some had drink problems.

She added that one of the victims had also taken an overdose last year.”

Former social worker jailed for 20yrs for historic sexual abuse [Itv 3/23/16 ]

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