Florida SB 590

By on 3-23-2016 in Adoption, Florida, Legislation

Florida SB 590

Here is the legisation: SB590.

“Gov. Rick Scott signed an adoption bill Wednesday that was sponsored by Detert, R-Venice.

The bill gives judges the discretion to decide who is best fit to adopt a child — such as a foster family — in certain instances instead of automatically honoring a birth parent’s wishes. Biological parents previously had almost total control over adoptions, even when they had lost parental rights because of abuse or neglect, or crimes such as murdering a spouse.

“The best interest of the child should always be the main consideration in adoption cases for children in the state’s care,” Detert said Wednesday in a press release.”

Detert adoption bill becomes law [Herald Tribune 3/23/16 by Zac Anderson]

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  1. Yes, let’s enshrine White Privilege into the adoption industry even MORE!/sarc

    • Comment

      Ashton: I’m really interested in your comment. As someone who lives less than 2 miles from the Capitol steps in Tallahassee I was actually shocked they got something right.

      Could you give me a little more background on why you think it is a crappy bill? Is was too much to hope for that they would get something right this session.

      • Because children are being taken from birthparents unjustly to fill requests for adoptable children for the Foster/Adopt program. Because– as a recent article posted here pointed out– non-white children are going to face racism all their lives, and need guidance in how to cope from someone of their own race. Because severing the parent/child bond DOES have scientifically-verified negative effects on the child, as does breaking the bonds with their extended genetic family.

        Finally, because the belief that adoption by wealthier strangers leads to better outcomes for the child than remaining with their natural parents or kin has NOT been validated by research. Yet the bias towards placing children with middle class White couples already exists DESPITE laws mandating kinship preference and cultural preference in child placement. Passing a law which allows judges to ignore this element will only make things worse.

  2. Thanks.

    It was too much to expect the Florida Legislature to get anything right.

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