How Could You? Hall of Shame-Shonda Inez Elrod and Jennifer Lynn Mellon

By on 4-12-2016 in Abuse in adoption, Children’s Home Soc. of Cntrl Florida, Florida, How could you? Hall of Shame, Shonda Elrod & Jennifer Mellon

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Shonda Inez Elrod and Jennifer Lynn Mellon

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Panama City, Florida, adoptive parents Shonda Inez Elrod, 37, and Jennifer Lynn Mellon, 37, “were arrested Tuesday on charges of child neglect and contributing to the delinquency of a child for allegedly withholding food over the course of year from their adopted 13- and 15-year-old children.”

“They allegedly padlocked their refrigerator to keep their adopted children from eating and harshly punished them for sneaking food or failing to do chores.”

“Mellon also was charged with three counts of child abuse in connection with injuries one of the children said he suffered during harsh disciplinary actions, according to court records.

Panama City Police Department officials said they expect more charges to follow.

PCPD initiated a criminal investigation against the two women after a March 29 incident at their Palermo Road home, court records indicated. Elrod is employed as a corrections officer and Mellon works for Children’s Home Society, a child protection agency that offers adoption, foster care and counseling services to local families.

According to police reports, officers responded to a nearby apartment, where one of the children had fled after allegedly being grabbed by the throat, pinned against a wall and thrown to the ground over a dirty dish in the sink. Investigators reported they later learned Elrod and Mellon would lock the refrigerator and pantry to keep the children from accessing food in the house.

“At times, the children had to go to the neighbors’ house in order to eat when all they were given was bread and peanut butter,” officers reported. “As a result, one of the children would be found sneaking any food available, to include raw meat.”

The 13-year-old told investigators he was struck with a plastic rod from the window blinds, which caused his wrist to bleed and scar, because he took a snack to his room. He also claimed he was choked because he didn’t pull weeds to the women’s satisfaction.

When officers made contact with Elrod and Mellon about the situation, they told officers the children were always acting out. Elrod also had video on her phone that she said would prove it, police reported.

“Elrod produced her cellphone and showed a video of (the child) cowering in the corner of the kitchen and Elrod verbally abusing her,” officers wrote. The child “is extremely distraught, hysterically crying and has her arms covering her face and body as if she was anticipating being struck by Elrod.”
PCPD collected the phone as evidence in the case, and the couple later was arrested. Elrod and Mellon are being held on bonds of $15,000 and $30,000, respectively.””

Investigators: Couple charged after children deprived of food, hit with plastic rod [NFW Daily News 4/7/16 by Zack McDonald]


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