DOS: Ukraine-Missing Post-Adoption Reports

By on 11-03-2017 in Ukraine, USDOS

DOS: Ukraine-Missing Post-Adoption Reports

From October 2, 2017, DOS says “Notice: Missing post-adoption reports for Ukraine

This Adoption Notice is a reminder to adoption service providers and adoptive parents of Ukraine’s post-adoption reporting requirements. In accordance with the Ukrainian Family Code, all parents who adopt children from Ukraine must provide post-adoption reports every year for the first three years after the adoption is finalized, and then once every three years until the child turns 18. This reporting must include information on the general welfare, education, upbringing, and health of the child. For more information about the contents of the reports, please visit the Ministry for Foreign Affair’s web page at You may also access the report from this link.

Reports may be submitted by email or sent by regular mail to the Ukrainian Embassy or Consulate in your state’s jurisdiction. For a list of Ukrainian Embassies or Consulates in in the United States, you can go to

We urge you to comply with Ukraine’s post-adoption requirements in a timely manner, as the Ukrainian government has informed us that over 1500 reports have not been submitted from U.S. families. In response to the high number of missing post-adoption reports, the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy has started a commission to review intercountry adoption policy. During this review, some adoptive parents have reported process delays to the State Department. Your cooperation in filing these mandatory reports will help ensure that intercountry adoptions can continue with Ukraine.

Please continue to monitor for updated information on adoption in Ukraine.  ”

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