Ireland: At least 126 Babies have ‘False’ Registrations UPDATED

By on 5-30-2018 in Illegal Adoption, Ireland, St Patrick’s Guild

Ireland: At least 126 Babies have ‘False’ Registrations UPDATED

“DOZENS of people aged between 49 and 72 years old may have no idea that they were adopted.

The State has been plunged into a fresh controversy dating from the 1950s and ‘60s after it was revealed that an unknown number of adopted children were registered incorrectly.

Children’s Minister Katherine Zappone revealed that efforts are under to contact 126 people – but the true numbers are unknown.

The cases identified are linked to the former adoption society St Patrick’s Guild in Dublin.

Incorrect or ‘false’ registrations occur where a child is placed with a couple or individual who was not the parent, but the birth is then registered as if the child had been born to that couple or individual.

As a result they may believe that their adoptive parents are actually their biological parents.

Ms Zappone confirmed: “We have known about the practice of incorrect registrations for many years, but it has been extremely difficult to identify and prove in individual cases because of the deliberate failure of those involved to keep records.  However, Tusla has found clear evidence in the case of some records previously held by St Patrick’s Guild.”

The Minister said that following an initial examination of around 13,500 records from St Patrick’s Guild, Tusla were able to identify the incorrect registrations because, unusually, there was a marker specifying ‘adopted from birth’ on the record.

Having cross-checked the records with those of the Adoption Authority of Ireland and the General Register Office (GRO), Tusla identified 126 incorrect registrations as follows:

  • 79 people who have had no contact with St Patrick’s Guild and may be entirely unaware of the true circumstances of their birth;
  • 14 people where a relative had contact with St Patrick’s Guild, but where it is not clear whether the person affected are now aware of the incorrect registration;
  • 31 people who have had previous contact with St Patrick’s Guild and who may or may not be aware of the incorrect registration in their case
  • 2 people who though later adopted legally, were the subject of an illegal registration initially.

The minister told a press conference in Dublin: “This is a very serious and sensitive issue. People have the right to know of their true origins and, where we have clear evidence, I believe we have an obligation to tell the people affected. Some may know already, but for others it will be entirely new and very difficult information indeed.”

Tusla has developed a plan for making contact with people and for providing the right supports for them as they absorb this information.

In a statement this evening, the body said:

“While the 126 cases have been identified, significant work remains to identify, locate and inform those affected. Tusla has been tasked by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone, with identifying, locating and contacting those affected, as a matter of urgency. Tusla has created a dedicated team of experienced practitioners to carry out this work.

“At this point in time, we cannot say with certainty how long this process will take. Tracing people is often slow, labour-intensive work, but we have created an experienced social work team dedicated to tracing these people in the hope that the work will be completed as quickly as possible.

“We would like to clarify that based on information currently available the only people who may be affected by this annoucement are those born between 1946 and 1969, who were placed through St Patrick’s Guild and who do not have an adoption order.

“It is likely that this work will impact on our general information and tracing services and on the waiting time for people who have applied for a tracing service. We apologise for this inconvenience and to minimise this impact we have begun recruitment to fill the posts made vacant by the creation of the dedicated team.

“This is an extremely sensitive issue and one which we acknowledge may cause upset and anxiety for those affected, as well as adopted people, adoptive parents and birth parents across the country. Tusla will ensure that those affected will be treated with dignity, respect, sensitivity and a true sense of compassion. Tusla will also make sure that the people who are subject to the incorrect registrations are given the autonomy and self-determination to make the decision they wish to about their life.  A helpline has been set up for anyone who has concerns about their adoption. The freecall helpline number is 1800 805 665 and is open from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.”

An Garadí Siochána were alerted to the illegal practice last February and are investigating.

This process will be overseen and quality-assured by an Independent Reviewer, Ms Marion Reynolds, who is a former Deputy Director of Social Services in Northern Ireland.

Ms Zappone said: “We want to know if a major trawl of the many thousands of adoption records is likely to identify hard evidence of incorrect registrations. This might be possible, for example, if other adoption societies used a label or marker such as that used by St Patrick’s Guild.””

Adoption controversy – Zappone reveals at least 126 babies incorrectly registered

[Independent 5/29/18 by Kevin Doyle]

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Update: “The Adoption Authority (AAI) sent three reports on illegal birth registrations — including a spreadsheet of 90 cases — to the Department of Children in 2015, three years before the St Patrick’s Guild scandal.

The revelation comes as the department claims the 126 illegal birth-registration cases discovered by Tusla in May in the files of former adoption agency St Patrick’s Guild represent “the only cases in which clear evidence of incorrect registrations has been found”.

The Irish Examiner previously reported that the department was told about illegal birth registrations by the AAI as far back as in 2011, and again in 2013.

However, it has now emerged that the regulatory body for adoption sent the department three separate reports on illegal registrations, including detailed information on 90 cases.

In a cover letter attached to the reports, sent on June 4, 2015, to the principal officer of the department’s adoption policy unit, Noreen Leahy, AAI chief executive Patricia Carey stressed the level of detail it was supplying.

The AAI told the Irish Examiner this final document contained the spreadsheet of 90 cases, with the names of the individuals redacted. In the letter, Ms Carey said the information had been collected on foot of a 2010 internal review and that “all information gathered at that time was sent to the department”.

She also indicated that the authority had told the department of the need for an audit of all adoption records.

Without a full review of each and every file related to adoptions/placements, it is not possible to quantify what the actual number of illegal registrations may be,” said the letter.

The department announced a “scoping exercise”, such as an audit of records in May of this year.

The AAI provided the Irish Examiner with a summary of the information in the two other reports it sent to the department in 2015. The first report was an overview of the historical context around illegal birth registrations and pointed out that the practice was carried out by “doctors, nursing homes, midwives, priests and some adoption agencies”.

The second report is an analysis of information the AAI holds on illegal birth registration and an overview of the National Adoption Contact Preference Register, which has been in operation since 2005.

“The report states that a list was compiled, by the Information and Tracing Unit, of cases where there were no adoption records and it appeared that the ‘person’s birth’ had been illegally registered,” states the AAI summary.

Finally, the report gives information on particular entities, which have provided the authority with information on illegal birth registrations and the practice of children being ‘adopted from birth’.

This phrase was found marked on the 126 cases discovered by Tusla earlier this year.”

‘Illegal birth’ registration reports sent in 2015/a>

[Irish Examiner 9/3/18 by Conall Ó Fátharta]

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