Trinidad and Tobago: Children’s Authority warns against illegal adoption

By on 12-26-2018 in Domestic Adoption, Illegal Adoption, Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago: Children’s Authority warns against illegal adoption

“The Children’s Authority is warning members of the public against practising illegal means of adoption.

The Authority held a conference at its Wrightson Road office on Thursday where it addressed concerns surrounding adoption in Trinidad and Tobago after a child was allegedly bought by a Trinidadian couple earlier this year. Five people have since been charged in connection with the incident.

Children’s Authority CEO Safiya Noel cautioned parents and guardians against the practice of handing over parental ownership outside of the legal parameters.

“Do not just go and give your child to someone. Do not just go and leave the child anywhere. Persons found making arrangements with these persons outside of the authority will be reported.”

The adoption process is managed by the Children’s Authority. There is a thorough screening process which aims to determine the suitability of the prospective adoptive parent to appropriately respond to the social, emotional, physical and educational needs of a child.

Members of the Children’s Authority executives who were at the conference on Thursday said it was the first time they have encountered a case of money being paid in exchange for parental rights.

The Authority intends to recommend stiffer fines and penalties for similar infractions as it relates to adoption.

Meanwhile, Noel explained that adoption is much more complicated than meets the eye.

She said interested persons should be fully aware of the responsibility.

“If sometimes persons try to help and they end up in a situation far greater than hat can handle perhaps with the children’s behaviour, through the financial needs of the children and then they themselves end up inflicting abuse or maltreatment.””

Children’s Authority warns against illegal adoption

[Loop 12/20/18]

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