How Could You? Hall of Shame-Bulgaria Adoptive Parents Mark and Melissa McGregor UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.
From Summersville, Missouri, Bulgaria adoptive parents Mark,56, and Melissa McGregor, 40 “both face two counts of felony child abuse, and were both released after posting a $100,000 bond.”
A “Summersville couple who had 9 children living in their home faces child abuse charges.”
“A probable cause statement filed in Shannon County court that was used as the basis for charges against the couple – and were filed by Shannon County Deputy Dustin Lyon – indicate that a Shannon County resident found a 14-year-old girl without shoes and bloody feet walking down Shannon County Road 340 near Summersville on Monday, July 8 and picked her up. The girl reportedly told the neighbor that she hadn’t eaten in several days.
The neighbor later told authorities that they fed her two peanut butter sandwiches, two yogurt tubes, a fruit cup, two chocolate bars, two small bags of chips, a bottle of water, two large glasses of Kool-Aid, 10 cookies, candy, half of a cup of macaroni and cheese and a slice of cheese before officers arrived. The teen also later ate 8 more small bags of chips, two more candy bars, cookies, macaroni and cheese, three bottles of water and four cups of Kool-Aid.
The girl reportedly told officers and investigators with the Missouri Division of Family Services that she and her twin sister, who were adopted from Bulgaria by the McGregors roughly 7 years ago, suffered abuse at the hands of the McGregors in the form of punishments ranging from being locked in either a dark room or a sunroom for hours at a time, or being forced to run a gravel road barefoot or stand outside in the cold if they disobeyed. The girl told authorities that some of the incidents that caused disciplinary action included not eating the raw vegetables such as radishes or broccoli that were given to them for a majority of their meals, or if they didn’t ask for permission to get dressed, read their Bible, wear shoes or take a shower.
The teen also stated Mark McGregor would hit them with a spoon or spatula, something reportedly corroborated by other children living in the home.
The teenager told authorities that the couple would also refuse to give them more food at mealtime, but would give the other children in the home second helpings. The teen said the McGregors also locked up the food in the house after she was caught taking food from the kitchen because she was hungry.
The girls’ room was described as a concrete floor with a small spring bed containing a thin mattress and no pillows and a small tub of ripped, ill-fitting clothing for each girl. The teen stated to authorities that the McGregors would allow the girls to have a pillow for good behavior.
The teen said that she hadn’t taken a shower in three weeks and hadn’t been to a dentist or doctor for a long time. A physical exam later conducted at the South Central Child Advocacy Center in West Plains indicated that the 14-year-old weighed 92 pounds, while her sister weighed 76 pounds. The girl interviewed by authorities had pinworms in her privates, while her sister had a distended stomach due to malnutrition, according to the report.
After both sisters were taken into protective custody they ate chicken strips, cheeseburgers and french fries, with one of the girls eating Deputy Lyon’s food. The girls also ate more snacks and drank several small water bottles while at the CAC.
The document says the McGregors have moved multiple times over the past several years. They were previously residents of Washington state but moved to Missouri after a child abuse investigation was opened there. Deputy Lyon says the McGregors did not enroll the children in school and instead opted to home school them to supervise them better.
The probable cause statement says the McGregors have been attempting to give the twins to the state for the past several months.
Both McGregors are scheduled to be arraigned in court July 23.
Investigators told Ozark Radio News that the other 7 children living with the McGregors have been removed from the home since the Monday incident.”
Summersville couple charged with child abuse
[Ozark Radio News 7/11/19 by Ed Button]
A search of the Missouri Court files shows that the next “Criminal Setting” is set for September 5, 2019. Mark and Melissa pleaded not guilty on July 23, 2019.On 8/14/19 “The Court lifts the condition of no contact with any child under toe age of 18. The Court adds a condition that there be no contact with the twins that are victims of this case. Contact with the natural children shall be under the supervision of the Missouri Children’s Division.”
“For month now, authorities in Missouri have been caring for two Bulgarians adopted 8 years ago who have been abused by their American parents. Our Consul General in Chicago, Ivan Anchev, told bTV that he had applied for a meeting with them, but explained that they were already US citizens and under the jurisdiction of local law.
He explained that he had learned about the case from the media and that the children were in good hands with the social services, where they were well looked after. Anchev also said they were well aware of the experience.
Following a signal from neighbours, the parents were arrested. The case became known in early July. One of the adopted girls was in apparent bad condition and told neighbours that she had not been fed for a long time.
According to international requirements, in the first 2 years after the adoption, Bulgaria received the necessary report from the US social services on the status of the twins.
According to experts, the children are highly traumatized and will need time and considerable work with psychologists and psychotherapists. However, they are adamant that adoption legislation should not be branded but the legislation should be changed.
Specialists explained that everything probably happened because of some changes in the family – a change of residence or a job loss.
They moved from a big city to a small town, and the children were in a home-based learning environment (home-schooled), so it was difficult for others to notice changes in their appearance and behaviour.”
The Bulgarian Consul in Chicago Will Try to Meet with the Abused Adopted Bulgarian Children
[Novonite 8/9/19]
REFORM Puzzle Piece
Update: A Search of the Missouri court case files shows that Mark and Melissa McGregor has a case review on July 7, 2020.
Update 2: A Search of the Missouri court case files shows that Mark and Melissa McGregor has a case review on September 23, 2020.
Update 3: A Search of the Missouri Court case files shows that Mark and Melissa McGregor were supposed to have a hearing on December 14, 2021. That was delayed until December 17, 2021. The trial will be on January 28, 2022 at 10 AM.
Update 4: According to reader Shannon Moore “On 31 May they were convicted of two class C felony. 2 charges (each) of first degree child endangerment.”
No! Specialists are wrong! Bina and Maria were abused 6 years ago in Washington State. I was aware of the situation then and contacted authorities. Many people from our church in poulsbo, washington were concerned and pleaded for help, but authorities could not make charges stick. They moved away from Washington because of the charges. I have known Mark and Melissa since 2004. He is a power-hungry, spiteful man who bullies people wherever he is. They were turned down by an adoption agency thru Peru because they stated that they intended to treat them as biological children and use corporal punishment. They then investigated Bulgaria and chose Bulgaria because of the lax adoption laws. Please feel free to contact me: Shannon Moore 360 337 9308. I am afraid that Missouri court system is failing these poor girls just like Washington State CPS did.
It is my understanding that the two girls are autistic and at the time of the adoption the McGregors were informed that the girls would probably never be able to show affection or try to fit in with the family in any way. I don’t really understand the level of functionality of these girls but at the age of 14 I took care of my own grooming and I’m sure I did my own laundry as well. From the description of what that girl ate you might surmise that she had been being starved but in fact the cupboards had been locked off because the girls would get up in the middle of the night and go down there and trash the kitchen and eat everything in the cupboards. I would be interested in hearing a follow-up on how those two girls are doing because I am sure that they are as much of a handful now as they were before.
You are a despicable creature!
“The girl reportedly told the neighbor that she hadn’t eaten in several days.”
“punishments ranging from being locked in either a dark room or a sunroom for hours at a time, or being forced to run a gravel road barefoot or stand outside in the cold if they disobeyed. The girl told authorities that some of the incidents that caused disciplinary action included not eating the raw vegetables such as radishes or broccoli that were given to them for a majority of their meals, or if they didn’t ask for permission to get dressed, read their Bible, wear shoes or take a shower.
The teen also stated Mark McGregor would hit them with a spoon or spatula,”
The parents are undergoing a case review on July 7, 2020. Hopefully the daughters are now been cared for!They are NOT a “handful”,asshole!
dumb ass bitches who the fuck does that
You are wrong…I take care of these girls now personally
You’re clearly one of the abusive parents. And here’s the problem with your assertion, psycho. Kids don’t get pinworms because someone is taking care of them and they darn sure don’t get them at 14 years old and they REALLY don’t get them from living in a clean home where regular bathing occurs. My child is autistic and was hell on earth until she was diagnosed and treatment was started. She never wandered down the street barefoot, with kawshiorkor and full of worms. Jesus help those girls to make sure you are never ever allowed near them or any other child again.
You are a busybody gossip. You have NO personal experience. Shame on you.
Anyone know an update? I can’t find more info and I’m curious what they were sentenced to and how the kids are doing? I used to attend the large fundamentalist church in WA the McGregors did. All the kids were frail and boney. They sat in a neat row, without making a peep, the entire service. I often wondered if they were abused…they knew to stay quiet or there would be consequences.
I just reviewed their case on the Missouri Court system. Mark McGregor was supposed to go to a hearing on December 14, 2021 but it was delayed until tomorrow (December 17, 2021) due to the state’s motion for continuance.It says ” Cause removed from jury trial setting.” and the trial is set for January 28, 2022 at 10am.
There has been success!! My husband and I testified to the abuse that we observed in Washington State at their hearing in January 2024. On 31 May they were convicted of two class C felony. 2 charges (each) of first degree child endangerment.