US International Adoption Statistics FY 2019

By on 5-08-2020 in Adoption Statistics, International Adoption, US, USDOS

US International Adoption Statistics FY 2019

The 2019 statistics can be found here . The fiscal year 2019 shows that 2677 adoptions occurred from abroad, down from 4,059 adoptions in FY 2018.


“§104(b) (3):In FY2019,  adoption service providers (ASPs) reported eight disrupted placements in Convention adoptions, i.e., cases in which there was an interruption of a placement for adoption during the post-placement (but pre-adoption) period. ”

“In addition, information received from the Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to §422(b)(12) of the Social Security Act indicated 104 cases of children from other countries entering state custody as a result of the disruption or dissolution of an adoption.

This information was provided in the annual update from states on progress made toward accomplishing goals and objectives in the Child and Family Services Plan. This information was submitted by states to the Department of Health and HumanServices through an Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR).The most recent APSRs were submitted on June 30, 2019and contained information forFY 2018. All of the information provided by states in the APSR was included in this count regardless of the date provided from the states on specific actions taken in a case or when it was reported to the state.”

That is UP from 4 disruptions in 2018 and 72 entering state custody as a result of disruption.

Country of Origin

China 819

Ukraine  298

Colombia 244

India 241

South Korea 166

Other countries exceeding 100 cases are as follows:

Bulgaria 134

Haiti 130

Nigeria 116

Other notable countries:

Ethiopia 11 DOWN from 177 placements in FY 2018

Philippines 94 DOWN from 105 placements in FY 2018

Latvia 38 DOWN from 79 placements in FY 2018

Ghana 11 DOWN from 15 placements in FY 2018

Liberia 51 UP from 30  placements in FY 2018

Taiwan 43 UP from 32  placements in FY 2018

Jamaica 44 UP from 40 placements in FY 2018

Morocco 30 UP from 18 placements in FY 2018

Sierra Leone 34 DOWN from 70 placements in FY 2018

Thailand 38 DOWN from 43 placements in FY 2018

Poland 6 DOWN from 34 placements in FY 2018

Krygyzstan 7 DOWN from 17 placements in FY 2018

Mexico 27 UP from 26 placements in FY 2018

Armenia 4 DOWN from 12 placements in FY 2018

Burundi 26 UP from 19 placements in FY 2018

Uganda 30 UP from 26 placements in FY 2018

Vietnam 32 UP from 28 placements in FY 2018


So 1007/2677 which is 37.6% of cases. 62.4% of cases followed Hague which is way DOWN from 75.33% in FY 2018, 68.8% of cases FY 2017, 66.09% in FY2016, 64.47% in FY2015. The last time cases were this low was in 2014 with 56.2% of cases following Hague.


New York, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, New Jersey, Michigan and Pennsylvania contributed to 56 OUTGOING placements to Belgium, Canada, UK, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands and Switzerland.

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