How Could You? Hall of Shame-Brogan Duhon case-Child Death

By on 6-24-2024 in Abuse in adoption, Adam and Jennifer Duhon, Brogan Duhon, How could you? Hall of Shame, Louisiana

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Brogan Duhon case-Child Death

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Lake Arthur, Louisiana, adoptive parents, Adam and Jennifer Duhon, “remain in jail in Jennings awaiting trial on charges of second-degree murder. Brogan was their [12-year-old] adopted son who died in October of 2022.”

Yet the alleged circumstances of his short life were not made public until February of 2023 when his parents were arrested. Authorities said the pre-teen boy weighed only 28 pounds when he died from complications of malnutrition. Pin on cute  In 2023, at least one neighbor said Brogan had come to her door asking for food.

“He knocked on the door, I opened it, and he told me that he was hungry. So, he came, sitting and I fed him,” said Roxanne Zaunbrecher, a neighbor.

She said Brogan’s mother came to her concerned whether she had called law enforcement.

“I didn’t call anybody you know, but next thing I know, she was here, and she asked me if I had called the cops or OCS. And I said no I hadn’t called anybody, you know. But he was hungry. She goes, ‘Well, I feed him.’ I say, ‘Well, I understand that, but you know he ate. He was so hungry,” said Zaunbrecher.

Though Brogan had been the subject of abuse allegations over the years, visits by state workers seemed to show the children were safe. Details of the investigation have been kept close to the vest by investigators and attorneys.

The parents’ trial date had been set for June of this year but has been moved to Jan. 27 of next year in Jeff Davis Parish.

Brogan’s parents are each represented by a public defender. And at last word, their biological children are with relatives.”

2025 Trial Date Set for Parents of 12-Year-Old Brogan Duhon
[KPLCTV 5/23/24 by Theresa Schmidt]

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