Rally’s Commentary: Natalia Grace (Barnett) Mans

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace highlighted in this post Natalia Grace was a .
What I didn’t say was the ending of that series. The Man’s said Natalia had left them. I didn’t realize that ID network was continuing to follow her story for another year.
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace -The Final Chapter was a 2-episode series that aired on ID Network on January 6, 2025 and January 7, 2025. (Crabbina! )
What the focus of this story should be is that the rehoming process is a sh*tshow.
The Ciccone’s (the original adoptive parents) rehomed her, I believe, because they couldn’t handle the orphanage behaviors. They chose Adoptions by Shepherds Care in Florida to rehome her. (Unbelievably, they are still in business.) The Barnett’s adopted her and abandoned her in Lafayette, Indiana.(Read the story at Natalia Grace ) Antwon and Cynthia Man’s adopted her. I thought that the Man’s were good to her, but clearly I was mistaken.
The Mans were living in Crawfordsville, Indiana in the original series. What I didn’t know is that they moved to Nashville, Tennessee and bought a trailer home with the money that Natalia made from being on the Dr. Phil show (approx. $300,000).
In The Final Chapter, the DePaul family are little people. They were, originally from upstate New York (and fostered Natalia from the Ciccone’s), and “traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to secretly pick up Natalia at Antwon and Cynthia’s church. Then Natalia and the DePauls drove 16 hours to New York. Finally, Natalia would be free.”
Also ,“numerous witnesses, including neighbors and friends, who alleged that the Manses abused their adoptive and foster children. Some even detailed claims that they saw the Manses hit Natalia with a belt, slap her in the face and even lock her in a room.”
Also, “the documentary series shared that both Cynthia and Antwon have confiscated Natalia’s phone many times, gathering information about her romantic and sexual relationships.”, even though she was an adult. Natalia is supposedly seeing Neil from the UK.
My unanswered questions with this sensational telling of this story are the following:
- The Man’s stole all of her social security disability payments over an entire decade and the money that was paid to her from the Dr. Phil show.
Is she is suing the Man’s for this?.
- The DePauls now have control over her social security benefits. Natalia is an adult now. Will she finally take control over her own money?
- The Man’s purposely did not give Natalia the surgery that needs to straighten out her spine. The DePaul’s claim that she will have that surgery. Will she finally have this surgery?
- Is she still seeing Neil?
- Will ID network followup with Natalia in a year?
- Why doesn’t ID network do a series on other rehoming nightmares? There are probably a lot of stories out there…
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