REFORM Talk 2025

For the past fourteen years, we have been an archive of published abuse and deaths of adopted and foster care children across the globe. We have given various advice including the following posts: List of Red Flags in International Adoption and Photolistings and Photos and Wilderness Camps Tips and Support and International Adoption Reforms and Adoption Reform and International Adoption is an Opportunity not a Solution or Right and Love is a Decision.
Also, stories about surrogacy and sex trafficking and baby trafficking; investigations into Ethiopia, Uganda, Marshall Islands,Haiti, and Guatemala; JCICS ; state regulations on foster care and adoptions; US regulations on foster care and adoptions; film and books about foster care and adoption and reviews; reunion stories for mother and child or child and siblings and DNA links; a plethora of lawsuits against government and adoptive parents; homelessness; Bittersweet Justices where survivors and family members receive monetary payments for lawsuits; illegal adoptions; original birth certificate fights and successes; social security benefits for foster children; school abuses; juvenile justice abuses.; mental health in foster care and adoption; mental health facilities; medical and dental care for international adoptees; Hague issues; snapshots of broken CPS systems in certain states; international kidnappings that lead to international adoptions; opinions on a variety of subjects; shutting down of several countries and agencies in international adoption; adoption schemes; Native American abuses and foster care; homeschooling hiding abuse; facepalm moments; missing foster children; domestic adoption in foreign countries; adoptee deportation and US citizenship; Wednesday weirdness; Tuesday terms; Christian adoption; adoptees and foster children who kill and abuse; voluntourism; embryo adoptions; adoption disruptions and rehomings; father’s rights cases; forced adoptions; adoption registries; ethics; adoption blogs; child human rights; kudos posts; preservation prestige posts; corruption; foster care solutions; deinstitutionalization; adoption trauma; homestudy waivers; controversial therapies for adopted children; and food abuse were reported.
Unbelievably, the Barahona case Jorge Barahona Trial is the longest case that I have been tracking (February 14, 2011) with 930 pages of evidence.
Rally’s Commentary will be a new series of posts that I will begin in 2025.
We are here to be a watchdog for, communicate and solve problems with, and petition for an adoption community that often feels voiceless and helpless.
We invite you to join in the conversation! Our comment section allows for you to remain anonymous so you can feel free to say what you really feel and know. Profanity and flaming is not allowed. Rally does reserve the right to delete posts, although we would prefer to see discussions run their course.
Please join the discussion today.
Rally Reform
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