Rally’s Commentary: James and Myka Stauffer

By on 1-27-2025 in James and Myka Stauffer, Rally's Commentary, Re-Adoption, WACAP

Rally’s Commentary: James and Myka Stauffer

We featured the Youtuber Fundraiser Myka’s story on FacePalm Friday on 5/29/20.

Now, there is a documentary on HBO. (a pixel art smiley face wearing a black hat and sunglasses . Crabbina.)

This article said their Youtube followers were “alarmed to discover a deleted clip of their adopted son Huxley wearing duct tape on his thumb.” That’s very bizarre! Seems like that should have been a red flag.

They didn’t realize that they “were unaware of the extent of his disabilities.” Are you kidding me? International Adoption is always a roll of the dice.

Huxley was diagnosed with Autism when he was 2½ and the Stauffer’s sought adoption dissolution two years later.

“The vloggers’ legal team noted that the Stauffers followed the advice of medical professionals, which, the lawyers clarified, “did NOT include any considerations for placement in the foster system, but rather to hand-select a family who is equipped to handle Huxley’s needs.” I think the foster care system would be better to place this disabled child with another family. 

They adopted through WACAP. In 2019, Holt International and WACAP merged. Holt is known for their Korea operations. I have covered Holt several times over the years for lying to birthmothers and adoptive families.

These re-adoption cases make me sick…

One Comment

  1. This docu is a must-see for it highlights EVERYTHING wrong with IA and especially wrong with APs (or any of these selfish Mommy vloggers) who expose their children’s privacy without their consent FOR MONEY.

    And Myka saying she spoke to 6 doctors BEFORE the adoption? Sure she did. And I don’t know to believe about Huxley’s diagnosis of autism – was he evaluated by someone who spoke Chinese? Was his language delay taken into account? Etc.

    This boy had a loving foster mother. There was no need for him to be adopted, and certainly not to unprepared white saviors who shoved a camera in his face the minute they got him.

    And of course shame on WACAP/HOLT with their egregious non-vetting and lack of mandated training for APs getting.a SN child.

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